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On August 18, 2024, our monthly release was deployed.
On August 19, 2024, this patch was released: https://docs.interprose.com/docs/2024-08-18-ace-release-patch-prevent-plan-overpayments
A spread error was subsequently encountered when running the payment plan job. We discovered it was related to the payment plan feature and are including an additional change to the August Release.
Today’s patch is expected to resolve the spread issue. We recommend all customers deploy this patch to avoid possible payment plan spread issues.
Concurrent with this change, we included an update so that Reflection customers will no longer be impacted by the change that prevents scheduled secure payments from overpaying an account’s bundle balance following payments made outside of the plan.
In order to deploy the release, downtime of up to 15 minutes may be experienced.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may create, but please know that we are dedicated to taking corrective actions whenever appropriate.