About Forms
    • 18 Jul 2023
    • 4 Minutes to read
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    About Forms

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    Article summary

    Forms offer a significant benefit in terms of storing typed data. By limiting the type and format of data being entered, fields ensure consistency in data entry. For instance, a miscellaneous field that stores a date could be entered in multiple ways such as:

    • January 1, 2021
    • Jan 1 
    • 1/1/21 
    • 01/01/2021

    Form fields can restrict the entry of dates to a consistent format every time, and using typed data makes it much easier to report accurately.

    Form Categories

    Debt Forms are used for storing data on the account page or from the account sidebar. 

    Client Forms are used for storing data on the Client Profile page.

    Transaction Forms are used for storing data related to transactions.

    Form Types

    Multi instance Form

    Standalone Form

    Include Form

    Form Page

    The Form page consists of fields for data entry. Fields with an * are required.

    View the table below for field definitions.

    Image Displays Form Section


    IdentifierThe table name
    Form Config TypeChoose Debt, Client, or Transaction
    Allow Multiple InstancesTrue or False
     (True can only be used for a Standalone form)
    LabelMost agencies use the same name as the identifier field
    DescriptionEnter a Description for your Form
    IconChoose an icon
    LocationInclude or Standalone
    Layout ColumnsDefault is 2, you can choose how many columns. you want in your Form
    View RoleAnyone who can view the form
     Ex -Agent
    Insert RoleAnyone who can insert data into form when manually adding an account
    Update RoleAnyone who can edit data in the form
    Delete RoleAnyone who can delete a row in a multi-instance form
     Not applicable for other types of forms

    Form Field Section

    The form field section consists of additional fields for data entry. Fields with an * are required.

    View the table below for field definitions.

    Image Displays Form Field Section


    IdentifierThis will be the field name in the database
    Misc1 & Misc2Extra values can be stored in these fields, such as client identifiers and used for reports or code

    These fields will not be directly visible on the account level 
    LabelEnter a label for your form field

    This field can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and underscores. To use symbols and > than 64 characters, use the UI Label section
    UI Label Section (rarely used)If this is set it will be used in lieu of the field label in the UI (on the account page)
    UI Label Style (rarely used)CSS entered in the field will override the system style of the field's label or the form's UI label
    UI on Change (rarely used)Form field validation can be set using custom JavaScript in this field 
    Tool TipEnter in a help description users can view when looking at or filling in the field
    Field TypeExample types:
    String-short text field
    Text Area-long text field
    Boolean-true or false field
    OthersFor optimal system performance, do not set the following attributes unless they meet an identified need 
    Primary KeyUsed for Multi-instance forms as the unique value in each instance
    RequiredThis will prevent accounts from being saved if not populated
    HiddenField not shown on account, but data can still be inserted/viewed via other means
    SearchableAllows users to use this field to find accounts via the account search page
    Display on SummaryThis makes the field available to display in a summary section for a multi-instance standalone form
    Include and standalone forms will already be available to show in the account summary section
    ColspanAllows you to adjust the size of the column (like a merge field in Excel)

    Custom Validation Section

    Custom Form Validation (JavaScript) can be used to verify data exists or meets expectations. It can also be used to display an error if valid data doesn't exist when saving a completed form.

    Only work on Form updates outside of active production. Adding/Modifying a form can harm your system's stability when users are actively working in ACE or when jobs, loaders and reports are running.

    Review the following articles on how to create Forms.

    Form Include Type

    Standalone Form

    Multi Instance Form

    Was this article helpful?

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence