About Triggers
    • 26 Jul 2024
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    About Triggers

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    Article summary

    This article provides an overview of Triggers, in ACE, explaining their role in linking events to Action Paths. These default actions can be tailored to suit the unique workflow requirements of your organization.


    • Exercise extreme care when creating Action Paths to be applied to your workflow, as they have the potential to cause significant issues if not properly configured or executed.

    • Please be sure to review all potentially associated workflow before making these workflows active.

    • For help adding or modifying Action Paths, reach out to Support.

    Triggers: Initiators of Action Paths

    Triggers are events that kickstart Action Paths. It's important to note that when one Action Path has been initiated, the flow actions within it may initiate subsequent Action Paths. 

    Events related to triggers encompass a range of actions, such as adding accounts, saving accounts, updating demographic records, running jobs, and more.

    To view Triggers in ACE:

    1. Navigate to Setup → Workflow → Triggers

    When observing Triggers, the presented information includes the following columns: Event Type, Action Label, Action, Flow Action ID.

    1. To add additional columns, right click in the header and make your selection.

    2. To rearrange the columns, simply drag them to your preferred position. 

    Image Displays Triggers and Available Columns


    Explore Trigger - Action Path Association

    To view the associated Action Path, click on the Action column.

    GIF Demonstrates Locating the Action Path Associated with the Trigger



    To view Jobs in ACE:

    Some triggers also activate based on dates during the Launch Date Triggers job run.

    Navigate to Utilities → Jobs → Launch Date Triggers

    Action Paths: Workflow Containers

    Action Paths are containers of Flow Actions that represent steps to be followed in response to a Trigger, Job, or Action Code being initiated, defining the workflow for automated processes.


    When an agent updates a record to 'deceased,' this event fires the Trigger onAfterDeceased. This, in turn, activates the onAfterDeceased Action Path. Within this path, Flow Actions execute to change the Status Code to DEC.

    Subsequently, the change in Status Code to DEC activates another Trigger, named onAfterStatusCodeGroupChange. This, in turn, initiates an associated Action Path, also named onAfterStatusCodeGroupChange. Within this Action Path, additional Flow Actions are executed, including the cessation of the Letter Series and the deactivation of a Payment Plan.

    The table below serves as an illustration of the above example.


    Trigger Event Type

    Action Path (Label)

    Flow Actions (Steps)

    Agent updates record to deceased, which initiates the Trigger to the right.



    Set Status Code=DEC

    Because the Flow Action above sets the status code to DEC, the Trigger to the right is also initiated.



    • Stop Letter Series

    • Deactivate Payment Plan

    To view Action Paths in ACE:

    Navigate to Setup → Workflow → Action Paths

    Selecting an Action Path allows you to see the flow actions configured.

    Image Displays Example Flow Actions


    Common Default Triggers and Action Paths

    The table displays common events (Triggers) and the associated actions (Action Paths). These defaults may have been adjusted to fit your requirements during implementation. 

    This information serves illustrative purposes only.


    Trigger Event Type

    Action Path (Label)

    Flow Actions (Steps)

    A new account is entered



    Sets the Worklist and status code to "New" and next work date = today.

    A new bankruptcy record is added to an account



    Sets Status Code to BNK. Further actions related to bankruptcy will occur in the onAfterDebtStatusCodeChange.

    Balance changes on an Account or Bundle



    If Bundle Balance is <$0.00, Stop Letters, Deactivate Payment Plan.

    An account is cancelled (the cancel action will adjust balance off of account first)



    Sets status code based on cancel code. Further actions related to cancel will occur in the onAfterDebtStatusCodeChange.

    An account status is changed (manually or based on other workflow)



    When a status code is set this action path takes actions based on the status code and status code groups.

    A deceased record is added to the account



    Sets Status Code to DEC. Further actions related to deceased will occur in the onAfterDebtStatusCodeChange.

    A dispute record is added to the account



    Sets status code based on dispute. Further actions related to dispute will occur in the onAfterDebtStatusCodeChange.

    A secure payment fails



    Sets the next work date = today, sets status to BPR and inserts an important note.

    A payment is set to NSF or updates to NSF from a payment settlement job



    Sets Status Code to NSF, next work date = today, and inserts an important note.

    A secured payment plan record is added to the account



    Sets Status Code to PAY.

    A promise payment plan record is deactivated on the account



    Sets next work date = today.

    If Balance is paid in full



    Sets Status Code to PIF.

    A single payment is promised or a promise plan is setup



    This action path checks for a promise. If true, the status is set to PTP.

    A promise payment plan record is deactivated on the account



    Sets next work date = today.

    A cancelled account is reactivated



    Sets the next work date = today and changes the status code to REA.

    A Promise To Pay (PTS) Payment is made



    Sets Status Code to PTS.

    A scheduled or promised payment is not received by the expected date (Flexible day interval can be set at trigger)



    This action path checks for a broken promise. If true it changes status to BPR, and updates the next work date and adds an important note.

    A payment setting the account is taken or the final payment is received on a secured settlement payment plan



    This action updates the current status to SIF.

    For more information about Action Paths, visit our Action Path Category.

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