How Can I Load Account Assignments via ETL?
    • 15 Apr 2024
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    How Can I Load Account Assignments via ETL?

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    Article summary

    How can I place accounts using ETL in ACE?

    Follow these steps to upload and place accounts using ETL:

    1.  Go to Accounts → ETL Import → Account Assignments.

    2. Upload the assignment file: Click "Choose File" and select a compatible *.csv, *.psv, or *.tsv file.

    3. Complete the ETL Import Section and Data Options Section fields as needed.

    4. Navigate to the Data Map Section: Confirm and correct field mapping by matching data to ACE fields.

    5. Save the Import Placements Profile for future use with similar import files.

    What details are required in the ETL Import Section?

    In the ETL Import Section:




    Choose File for upload 

    Label Field

    Name the ETL Profile

    Load Method

    Will default from the Accounts-ETL Import-Account Assignments menu


    Describe ETL Profile; ex Sample 1 Client Account Assignments


    Enabling multithreading boosts data loading speed, but if the file has dependent rows, keep it unchecked. When loading account assignments, disable bundling and use flow actions to bundle accounts after the load is completed.

    Start at row

    Typically defaults to first row of data by bypassing a header row

    Footer Rows Count

    Typically default to the last row of data but can be manually corrected for one or more footer row(s)

    File Type

    Typically defaults to the type of file Uploaded 

    Quote Character

    Select if necessary

    Currency Format

    Typically defaults to the format most common in the data file

    Debt Flag

    Add an optional debt flag to all accounts affected by this ETL

    Percent Format

    Fractional (0.78)=78% is represented in the data file as a decimal value

    Implied (78.0) =78% is represented in the data file as a whole number value

    What details should be considered in the Data Options Section?

    In the Data Options Section:



    Client ID  (dropdown)

     If the loaded accounts relate to a single client, select the client here or include it in the imported data.

    Load Duplicates (checkbox) 

    Typically, duplicate records are not desired, and ACE will identify them in import messages.

    Disable Bundling (checkbox) 

    Recommended for large data loads; disable bundling and run a bundling job after data is loaded.

    Disable Sol (checkbox) 

    By selecting this option, Statute of Limitation (SOL) settings are disabled, ensuring a smooth import process for historic conversion data without interference from SOL considerations.

    Clean Names

    When checked, it will change names to proper case. This impacts demographic first name, middle name, last name, name suffix, company name, and full name for Demographic Types Primary, Comaker, Spouse, Msc, Patient and Business.

    Assigned Date

    Defaults to the load date but can be identified distinctly or imported with the data.

    SSN Validation

    when enabled, validates SSNs.

    Phone Location (dropdown) 

    Home, Mobile, Work, Other, Unknown, Fax

    Phone Source (dropdown) 

    Caller ID, Client, Debtor, Enrichment, Payment, Other, Skip, Spouse, Third Party

    Phone Prior Express Consent (checkbox) 

    Check if you would like "Record prior consent" = true populated for all imported accounts

    On Errors Notify User ID (dropdown) 

    Allows you to select who to notify if errors occur

    Suppress Notes (checkbox) 

    Disables the creation of system generated notes when loading data.


    Click Load after you complete Data mapping process.

    How do I confirm and correct data filed Mapping?

    In the Data Map Section:

    1. Each field (column) of data from the import file will be displayed.

    2. The first 10 rows and the last 4 rows of data from the file will be shown.

    3. If Start at Row = 2, the first row will be highlighted with light yellow.

    4. If Footer Row Count = 1, the last row will be highlighted with light yellow.

    5. Each field (column) includes a Mapped field placeholder just above the first row.

    6. Confirm and correct field mapping by matching the data field to the corresponding field in ACE.

    7. Upon initial upload, ACE will attempt to map the data to the appropriate ACE field.

    8. Once all fields are correctly mapped, save the Import Placements Profile for repeated use with identically formatted import files.

    GIF Demonstrates Mapping Data



     If the import file formatting changes, review, correct, and save the Import Profile and field mapping before importing placements using the profile.

    See Account assignment layout for specific details regarding the ETL load method.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

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