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With User Interface (UI) templates, companies can customize how users view their account page and control the information that appears in the summary section of an account.
The process for customizing the account summary section is the same whether you are modifying for an Admin, User (agents) or Client Access.
Adding Fields to the UI template
1. Prior to modifying a UI template, open an account and view the summary section. Notice the available information displayed.
2. Next, go to Setup-User Interface-Account Summary.

3. In the Template Selection section, type in Agent (or User, Admin, Client Access).

4. Click the Plus symbol in the to right of the Summary Configuration as pictured above.
5. When the Add Field pops up, type the field you would like to appear in the account summary section.

6. Repeat this step for any additional fields you wish to add.
7. The new fields will appear in the Summary Configuration section.
8. To organize the new fields according to your preference, simply drag and drop them into the desired location.
9. Verify your additions and or edits, then click Apply to save the updated Account Summary UI Template.

Removing Fields from the UI Template
1. Prior to modifying a UI template, open an account and view the summary section. Notice the available information displayed.
2. Next, go to Setup-User Interface-Account Summary.
3. In the Template Selection section, type in Agent (or User, Admin, Client Access).
4. Move your cursor over the item until the pointer transforms into a symbol featuring four arrows.
5. Next, right-click and drag the item to the trash can located at the far right corner of the page.