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The ACE API Documentation provides detailed information about API endpoints available for integration with the ACE system. The documentation includes a wide variety of APIs for managing disputes, preferences, clients, documents, virtual agents, payments, and more. Users can access the API documentation by navigating to Help → API Documentation in ACE.
Dispute API
Manage disputes using the following endpoints:
POST /dispute – Create a new dispute.
DELETE /dispute/{disputeID}/delete – Delete an existing dispute.
GET /dispute/{disputeID}/dispute – Retrieve dispute details.
GET /dispute/{disputeID}/members – View debt IDs associated with a dispute.
POST /dispute/{disputeID}/update – Update dispute details.
Preferences API
Access and manage company preferences:
GET /preferences/company/goals – View company goal settings.
GET /preferences/company/goals/{month} – View goal settings for a specific month.
GET /preferences/itemization/mappings – Retrieve itemization mappings.
Client API
Manage client-specific data and goals:
GET /client/{clientID}/goals – View all goals for a specific client.
GET /client/{clientID}/goals/{month} – Retrieve client goal settings for a specific month.
Document API
Handle document creation and management:
POST /document – Create a new document.
POST /document/completeTransfer/{documentID} – Complete a document transfer.
GET /document/{documentID} – Retrieve document details.
DELETE /document/{documentID} – Delete a document.
Virtual Agent API
Manage virtual agent (VA) settings and user interactions:
POST /auth/va – Authenticate Virtual Agent credentials.
POST /va/auth/register – Register a new Virtual Agent.
POST /va/message – Create a message.
GET /va/person/{personID} – View VA person records.
GET /va/preferences – View default VA preferences.
Payment API
Manage and track payments:
POST /payment – Create a new payment.
GET /payment/{paymentTransID} – Retrieve payment details.
POST /payment/{paymentTransID}/status – Update payment status.
Enable identity management with SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) endpoints:
GET /scim/resourcetypes – Retrieve SCIM resource types.
POST /scim/users – Create a user.
PATCH /scim/users/{userID} – Patch user details.
Transaction API
Track and create financial transactions:
POST /transaction – Create a new transaction.
GET /transaction/{debtTransID} – Retrieve transaction details.
Account API
Manage account-related details and operations:
POST /account – Create a new account.
GET /account/search – Search for an account.
POST /account/{debtID}/note – Add a note to an account.
GET /account/{debtID}/transactions – View account transactions.
User API
Access user-specific goal settings:
GET /user/{userID}/goals – View goals for a specific user.
GET /user/{userID}/goals/{month} – Retrieve goals for a specific month.
Additional APIs
The documentation also includes APIs for managing bundles, text messages, dialers, job tasks, and payment plans. Each API is designed with RESTful principles, providing endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting resources.
For complete details, users can explore each section in the API Documentation panel under the Help menu.