Bundle Tests
    • 20 Mar 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Bundle Tests

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    Article summary

    Bundle Tests


    Bundle Tests field

    The Bundle Test field is the account field that is being looked at when an account is loaded into the system. The ACE application looks at these Bundle Test fields and calculates whether they are pending bundles or whether they auto bundle off of the weight being applied to that field. 

    For instance, in the screenshot above if an account has the same Group Identifier than the account will automatically bundle. However, if it has the same Birth Date and Address than it goes into Pending Bundle with a weight of 90 since the threshold given was 80.



    The Bundle Weight is the amount of weight the system puts toward an account field that is calculated when an account is being loaded into the system. For example, in the screenshot above, the Address field has been given a weight of 30. The system will take that 30 and add it to any of the other matching fields that are met within the Bundle Test options.

    Once an account reaches the threshold given for pending bundles it will appear in the Pending Bundle section of the account. If the account reaches a weight of 100 it will automatically bundle.

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