Configuring a Forwarding Vendor
    • 15 Jul 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Configuring a Forwarding Vendor

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    Article summary

    This guide will outline the steps to configure a Forwarding Vendor.

    Common Reasons for Forwarding Accounts:

    1. Consumer Address: Forward to another agency to collect from a consumer in a location where you don't operate.

    2. Collection Type: Forward accounts for third-party collections if you're only handling first-party collections.

    3. Legal Forwarding: Forward accounts to agencies with legal staff if you lack legal resources.

    Forwarding Permissions

    To access the Forward menu, you will need the following permission roles:

    • Menu-Forwarding

    • Manage-Forwarding

    • Manage-Forwarding Vendors

    Configure a Forwarding Vendor

    1. Go to Forwarding → Vendors

    2. Complete the fields in the below sections.

    Detailed Field Descriptions




    Select Template from the dropdown.


    Add the Forwarding Vendor Name.

    Export Folder

    Location where export files will be stored for this vendor.

    Ignore Bundle Method

    Select this checkbox to ignore global bundling preferences. See Bundle Preferences for details.

    Export Header

    List of column names for export file that will place accounts with the forwarding vendor.

    Export Fields

    List of fields to be extracted from ACE and included in the export file for the forwarding vendor. See the letter export database for correct syntax. Go to Help → Layout → Letter Data Source.

    Export Trans Header

    List of column names for the export file that includes all transactions applied to an account after it has been forwarded.

    Export Trans Fields

    Fields included in the transaction file. Transactions are exported once to prevent duplicates. Transactions from payments made by the forwarding vendor are also included. It is recommended to include debtTrans.receiver to identify transactions from a forwarding receiver.

    Export Recall Header

    List of column names for an export file that will recall accounts that were previously placed with the forwarding vendor.

    Export Recall Fields

    List of fields to be extracted from ACE and included in the export file that will recall accounts that were previously placed with the forwarding vendor.

    Export Document Format

    The file format for all exported documents. Only a comma delimited (CSV) or tab delimited (TSV) file is currently supported.

    Export Debt Documents

    This will generate a single zip file per placement batch that contains all attached documents from the placed accounts. Document file names will be prefixed with the account number.


    A simple string field to add notes related to the vendor.

    Payment Destination

    It is recommended that you create a Manual Mixed payment destination for the forwarding vendor. Select the created payment destination.


    If you want to create a unique payment batch location for forwarding, you can go to Setup → Transactions → Payment Batch Locations. Select the related location here.

    Max Placements

    This will restrict the maximum number of accounts that can be placed with this forwarding vendor. Use 0 if there is no such restriction.

    Max Placement Amount

    This will restrict the maximum amount that can be placed with this forwarding vendor. Leave blank if there is no restriction.

    Current Placements

    This will show the current number of accounts placed with this forwarding vendor.

    Current Placement Amount

    This will show the current dollar amount placed with this forwarding vendor.

    Exclude States

    This will automatically exclude accounts from being placed with this forwarding vendor if the account as a primary address state selected here. It’s used to prevent forwarding agencies from working accounts in states where they aren’t licensed to work.

    Default Status Code

    The status code for accounts placed with this forwarding vendor if not declared in the distribution settings.

    Accepted Vendor Status Codes

    When updating account statuses using the ETL Profile Account Update feature, the Forwarding Vendor Status Field can map status codes. ACE excludes ay status codes not selected here.

    Information Section

    1. Use this section to add the Forwarding Vendor contact details.

    2. Add Primary, Secondary, Accounting, and Billing contact if needed.

    3. Save when sections are completed.

    Image Displays Information Section in Forwarding Vendor

    Placement Types Section

    Placement types control aspects of forwarded accounts such as their commission rate, minimum balance, and minimum settlement.

    Field Descriptions

    • Placement Type: Options include Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Early Outs, CCCS, and SKIPS.

    • Commission Rate: The selected rate applies a default forwarding commission to accounts under this placement model. The forwarding commission can be overwritten when making payments manually or when loading payments via a vendor file.

    • Minimum Balance: This balance restricts accounts from being forwarded if the account's current balance is less than the specified minimum.

    • Minimum Settlement: You can set a minimum settlement percentage that mimics client-level settlement minimum controls.

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