ACE to METRO2 mapping logic
    • 29 Jan 2024
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    ACE to METRO2 mapping logic

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    Article summary

    ACE only supports Debt Buyers (48), Collection Agencies (77) and Student Loan (12)

    ACE does not support sending loan repayment terms on Student Loans

    ACE Fields or Static ValuesMetro2 Fields
    "0460"// 1 Record Descriptor
    "1"// 2 Processing Indicator
    Todays Date (MMddyyyyHHmmss)      // 3 Time Stamp
    “0”          // 4 Correction Indicator
    ACE Customer ID        // 5 Identification Number
    “ “ (blank)        // 6 Cycle Identifier
    ACE Debt ID      // 7 Consumer Account Number
    “O”              // 8 Portfolio Type
    Account type logic

    If Client Collection Type = “PURCHASED” Then
                          Account Type = “0C”  
    // 9 Account Type


     if Client Collection Type = “RETURNED_CHECKS” Then

                         Account Type = “77”
    // 9 Account Type


                         Account Type = “48”
    // 9 Account Type

    ACE Assigned Date    // 10 Date Of Opened

    “ “ (blank)      // 11 Credit Limit

    ACE Owing Balance  // 12 Highest Credit

    “001”  // 13 Terms of Duration

    “ “ (blank)    // 14 Terms Freq

    “ “ (blank)

    // 15 Monthly Payment Amount

    ACE Last Payment Amount  // 16 Actual Payment Amount

    Account Status Logic

    If Credit Bureau Delete = true

                    Credit Bureau Status Code = “DA” 

    // 17a Account Status


                    ACE Credit Bureau Status Code   

    // 17a Account Status
    “ “ (blank)  // 17b Payment Rating
    “ “ (blank) // 18 Payment History Profile
    ACE Credit Bureau Special Status Code// 19 Special Comment Code
    Compliance Condition Code Logic

    If ACE Dispute = True Then

                    Code = ACE Dispute Type

                    Resolution Code = ACE Dispute Resolution Code

                    Credit Bureau Code = ACE Credit Bureau Dispute Code

                    If Resolution Code != New Then

                                    Credit Bureau Code = ACE Credit Bureau Dispute Code 

    //20 Compliance Condition Code


                    “ “ (blank)    

    //20 Compliance Condition Code
    Current Balance Logic

    If ACE SIF Balance = True Then

              ACE Settled Balance     

    // 21 Current Balance
             ACE Settled Balance  // 22 Amount Past Due


             ACE Current Balance  

    // 21 Current Balance
             ACE Current Balance// 22 Amount Past Due
    “ “ (blank)    // 23 Original Charge Off
    Todays Date  // 24 Date of Account Information
    ACE Delinquency Date// 25 Date of Delinquency
    “ “ (blank) // 26 Date Closed
    ACE Last Pay Date // 27 Date of Last Payment
    “ “ (blank) // 28 Interest Indicator
    “ “ (blank) // 28 A Reserved
    “ “ (blank) // 29 Consumer Transaction Type
    ACE Primary Demographic Last Name // 30 Surname
    ACE Primary Demographic First Name // 31 First
    ACE Primary Demographic Middle Name // 32 Middle
    “ “ (blank)  // 33 Generation Code
    ACE Primary Demographic SSN// 34 SSN
    ACE Primary Demographic DOB// 35 DOB
    ACE Primary Demographic Home Phone// 36 Phone Number
    ECOA Code Logic

    Deceased = Deceased Debt ID

    If Deceased = true


     // 37 ECOA Code



     // 37 ECOA Code
                                            ECOA Code 
    ECOA Code screenshot

    Consumer Information Indicator Logic

    The Consumer Information Indicator is blank "  " by default unless one of the conditions below is met.

    If Bankruptcy = true

    If Bankruptcy Status = “FILED” OR “CONVERSION” OR “REINSTATED” Then

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "7" :ConsumerIndicator = "A"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "11" :ConsumerIndicator="B"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type ="12" :ConsumerIndicator= "C"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "13" ConsumerIndicator = "D"



    // 38 Consumer Information Indicator


    If Bankruptcy Status = “DISCHARGED” Then 

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "7" :ConsumerIndicator = "E"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "11" :ConsumerIndicator="F"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type ="12" :ConsumerIndicator= "G"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "13" ConsumerIndicator = "H"


    // 38 Consumer Information Indicator


    If Bankruptcy Status = “DISMISSED” Then 

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "7" :ConsumerIndicator = "I"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "11" :ConsumerIndicator="J"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type ="12" :ConsumerIndicator= "K"

       Case Bankruptcy Chapter Type = "13" ConsumerIndicator = "L"

    // 38 Consumer Information Indicator

    If ( Bankruptcy:ChapterType = 7 And the Bankruptcy Status = "REAFFIRMED" ) 

    The Consumer Information Indicator = R
    if (Bankruptcy:ChapterType = 7 And the Bankruptcy Status = "RESCINDED" ) 
    The Consumer Information Indicator = V
    if (Bankruptcy:ChapterType = 7 And the Bankruptcy Status = "REAFFIRMED_REMOVE" ) 
    The Consumer Information Indicator = S
    And on export the status of the bankruptcy is set to REAFFIRMED_REMOVE*D* 
    A note is also posted against the account. Future reporting on this account will send a blank for the Consumer Information Indicator unless the status is changed.

    // 38 Consumer Information Indicator


                    “ “ (blank)    

    // 38 Consumer Information Indicator

    “ “ (blank)      // 39 Country Code
    ACE Primary Demographic Address 1// 40 Address 1
    ACE Primary Demographic Address 2// 41 Address 2
    ACE Primary Demographic City// 42 City
    ACE Primary Demographic State // 43 State
    ACE Primary Demographic Zip// 44 Zip
    “ “ (blank) // 45 Address Indicator
    “ “ (blank)  // 46 Residence Codeccount 








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