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Export job
Prior to creating an export job, make sure you have set up the Credit Reporting Vendor. See Vendor Setup
The first step will be to label the job, schedule it and then add a task. In order to label the job they will simply need to fill out the required field at the top of the job.
They will then want to choose a time for the job to run. Usually he best time to do this would be after the company's business hours so as not to interrupt anyone's working and to let the system run with no lags.
Much like the job they will want to label the schedule, the one above is labeled 11:00pm Last Day of the Month. They will choose whether it will be every month or just a few/only one month. If the want all months they can click on the little green circle and each one will be selected, likewise if they want to deselect them.
They will determine the frequency of days as well as what hour/s they choose the job to run.
Once this has been established they will choose that label from the drop down list to use it for the job.
After the job has been scheduled the customer will then go to the Add Task drop down and choose Credit Reporting: Export.
In this section they will choose the vendor Metro 2 and mark the job as active. After all of these steps have been taken they will then need to hit the apply button. This will save all of the changes they have made to the job without making them leave the page.
Make sure after the customer hits apply that they go through and make sure the schedule is set how they are wanting and then have them hit save.