How to Configure Phone Status Evaluation
    • 10 Sep 2024
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    How to Configure Phone Status Evaluation

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    Article summary

    What are the Available Phone Number Statuses?

    ACE offers the following available phone number statuses:

    1. New: Freshly added numbers awaiting initial contact or validation

    2. Active: Numbers with ongoing engagement and potential.

    3. Do Not Contact: Numbers marked for no contact; typically at the request of the consumer or client.

    4. Do Not Call: Numbers registered on "Do Not Call" lists.

    5. Exhausted: Numbers with repeated unsuccessful contact attempts.

    6. Inactive: Numbers you want removed from active campaign workflow.

    7. Verified: Numbers with verified contact information.

    8. Wrong #: Numbers verified to belong to someone other than the consumer.

    9. Reassigned: Numbers that have been reassigned to a different person or entity.

    Verified Phone Status

    When an account’s demographic phone number status changes to Verified, the phone number is now set as priority 1 automatically unless there is already a phone number with a verified status in the priority 1 position.


    The above details represent typical use of these phone statuses. Each customer may have campaign or vendor workflow set up to be used in distinctive ways.

    Phone and Email Color Coding in the Demographics and Summary Sections

    ACE includes color-coding for phone numbers and email addresses in both the Demographics pages and the Account Summary section. This system helps agents quickly interpret contact statuses and ensures consistency across the platform.

    Phone Number Color Coding:

    • Default (White): No special status.

    • Red: "Do Not Contact," "Wrong #," "Reassigned," or "Do Not Call."

      • (Note: Red overrides all other colors.)

    • Gray: Inactive status.

      • (Note: Gray overrides green but not red.)

    • Green: Opted-in for text messages.

      • (Note: Only shown when no other conditions apply.)

    In the Summary section, only green and white phone numbers are displayed.

    Where do I Configure Phone Status Evaluation?

    To access, follow these steps:

    Go to Setup → Workflow → Phone Status

    What are the Sections in Phone Status?

    There are three main sections:

    1. Evaluate Phone Status:

    1. On/Off: Toggle this option to enable or disable the feature.

    2. Evaluation Notes:

    • Phone status rules are evaluated whenever a new phone log record is created.

    • Rules are evaluated in order of priority, and the first true rule (if any) updates the phone status.

    2. Evaluation Rules:

    • Define your logic rules in this section to determine how phone statuses are updated.

    3. Phone Status Settings:

    Locked Phone Statuses:

    • Users require the "PHONE_STATUS_UPDATE_LOCKED" permission to change phone statuses when they are in these selected statuses.

    • Options for locked statuses include New, Active, Do Not Contact, Do Not Call, Exhausted, Inactive, Verified and Reassigned.

    • Use Case: You can lock the "Do Not Call" status even if it's a "Right Party Contact."

    Image Displays Phone Status Sections


    How do I add a Phone Status Evaluation?

    To set up Phone Status Evaluation, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Setup → Workflow → Phone Status.

    2. Enable the feature by checking the corresponding box.

    3. In the "Evaluation Rules" section, click "New."

    4. Define your Phone Status Logic. 

    For example, Phone Status Rule: Exhausted

    • Trigger after at least 35 calls with "Busy," "Left Message," or "No Answer," within the last 150 days.

    • Exactly 0 calls with "Right Party Answered" within the last 150 days.

    • Set the phone status to "Exhausted."

    5. Click "Apply."

    6. The Evaluate Phone Status Page will be presented again; click "Apply."

    Image Displays Example Exhausted Status Evaluation Rules


    If you wish to configure additional evaluation rules, repeat the above steps for other Phone Number Statuses.

    How Do I Use Phone Status Evaluation in Workflow?

    Refer to How Can I Configure Workflow Using Phone Status Evaluation

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