Billing Tree / Payrazr ACH and CC
    • 07 Mar 2023
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    Billing Tree / Payrazr ACH and CC

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    Article summary

    Billing Tree/Payrazr 

    Scenario:  Setting up a new payment destination for Billing Tree (Payrazr) for either ACH or CC


    ACH Setup


    Credit Card (CC) Setup:


    Label:  Name of the payment destination

    Payment Provider:  PayRazr ACH for ACHs and PayRazr CC for CCs

    Trust Account:  Can be tied to a specific trust account

    Clients:  If left blank can be used by all clients; if a specific client name is listed; can only be used by that client(s)  Note:  When first setting up; recommended to put in a test / sample client until customer gives approval to "go live," after testing.

    Default Spreader:  A default spreader "can," be selected.

    Spread Time:  Determines when the payment will be spread.  Typically set to "Immediately." 

    Batch Receiver:  "Can," enter a specific batch receiver.

    Service Fee Bucket:  Determines which bucket for service fee

    Post Transaction with Date Spread:  Typically unchecked

    Do Not Allow Payment Plans Past Credit Card Expiration:  Typically unchecked

    Receipt Name / Address:  Typically left blank

    Last Settlement ID:  When first setting up, need to put a number in this field or will receiving error.  Recommend just putting in the number:  1

    Last Settlement:  This is the last time the settlement job was run.  You can put in "today's date"

    Active:  Recommended to keep checked, but when first testing / until customer gives approval to "go live," to set the client to a test / sample client.


    Provider Settings:

    For ACH we need:

    • Access Username
    • Access Password
    • Vendor / Username
    • Vendor Password
    • Payrazr Cert ID
    • Payrazr Z ID

    Key is provided in the setup as to which ID goes where:

    Vendor/Username = Username
    Password = Password
    Access Username = Username
    Access Password = Password


    For CC:  we need:

    • Vendor / Username
    • Vendor Password
    • Payrazr Cert ID
    • Payrazr Z ID

    And select which credit card types the customer will accept.  (Provided by customer)


    BIN Database:  This section is only used if customer wants to exclude credit cards.  As of this writing, this is typically handled by DEV and a fee / add-on associated with it.


    Extras:  The fees are what INTERPROSE charges the customer.  This is dependent upon their contract.  You will want to confirm with their salesman.


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