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Invoice Profiles
The ability to setup a unique remittance method and invoice profile will allow you to choose the best option that fits your clients needs. InterProse provides sample templates that are available to download and customize. The two most common invoice profile types are Standard Gross and Standard Net.
Standard Gross Profile
With a Gross profile, a customer remits to their client everything they have collected, and then they bill their clients for their portion of the collections (their commission).
Standard Net Profile
A Net profile means that a customer sends their client a check after deducting their portion (commission) of the amount collected.
Setting up an invoice profile
When you set up an invoice profile you need to specify the Remittance Method, the Balance Calculation, and the Sort Method. The other fields you see are optional but are equally as important.
The Remittance Method is our customer and their client are being paid.
The Balance Calculation options are End of Date--this is one date on the invoice
Trans Date- if 5 transactions then 5 different lines for each
Now- real time (today)
The Sort Method means whether they want to sort the data by name or by transactions
Include Past Due Amount will allow the customer to show past due balances on the invoices they send out.
Allow Negative Net Client Remits