LiveVox API Dialer Integration
    • 27 Sep 2023
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    LiveVox API Dialer Integration

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    Article summary

    This article provides step-by step instructions for setting up the LiveVox Dialer integration in ACE. 


    1. An established relationship with LiveVox :LiveVox will support all configuration required on the LiveVox side

    Before setting up the LiveVox Dialer Integration in ACE, you'll need to have the following details provided by LiveVox or accessible through your LiveVox management interface:

    • base URL
    • API Token
    • Client Name (your name with LiveVox)
    • A Service ID to be associated with click to dial functionality (required to be set up even if a customer does not anticipate using click to call from ACE)
    • API Security Key (This security key contains the username and password used for API calls and is the username and password associated with a LiveVox admin user login account)

    2. A "Dialer - LiveVox" package addon for the InterProse ACE application

    • Please reach out to InterProse Support to request the addon

    Engagement and Setup with LiveVox

    Engage with your LiveVox Representative to setup the following:

    1. Manual Service in LiveVox for Click to Dial in ACE.
    2. Agents in LiveVox, each with a username and password associated with the services they can work on accounts.
    3. Customer Inbound Service in LiveVox.
    4. Preview (& Other) campaigns Services in LiveVox.
    5. Open accounts in ACE via a phone number URL in LiveVox for inbound calls.
    The phone number URL option may be more effective as a phone number can be associated with multiple accounts. Using this option allows agents to view all accounts associated with the inbound phone number and determine which account the call is related to.

    To load accounts by account number associated with an inbound phone number in LiveVox, please work with your LiveVox support in conjunction with your ACE support or implementation staff.

    LiveVox Application Setup

    1. Agents
    2. Agents Desktop
    3. Agent Panel +Extended Panel
    4. Extended Panel
    5. Supports Expressions: = true
    6. Custom Panel
    7. Add
    8. Window Title = (any label)
    9. URL =
    10. Add -> Name = value, Value = {"field":"phone_dialed"}
    11. Add -> Name = phone, Value = true
    12. Add -> Name = source, Value = LIVEVOX
    13. Config
    14. Open Full Screen = true
    15. Open Externally = true
    16. OK
    17. Save Agent Desktop

    Image Displays Steps 1-12 

    Image Displays steps 13-16


    Image Displays Step 17


    Inbound Account Popping

    The Service to be used for inbound account popping needs to be setup (Inbound Service/Customer Inbound)

    1. Services
    2. Services
    3. Service = Customer Inbound
    4. Settings
    5. Agent Desktop = the name of the desktop where the Custom Panel Widget was set up = (Basic Desktop in our example)
    6. Save

    Image Displays Steps 1-6


    Set up LiveVox in ACE

    1. In ACE, go to Setup - Vendors - Dialer
    2. Just below and to the right of the "Dialer Vendors" list, select "New"
    3. Enter the Vendor Information as follows:
    1. Label = LiveVox API (it is especially important that you use a different label if you already have a Template LiveVox dialer vendor set up in ACE)
    2. Identifier = LIVEVOX_API
    3. Export Flag Identifier = LIVEVOX_API
    4. Dialer Provider = LiveVox
    5. Active = true (checked)

    4. Enter the  LiveVox Settings as follows:

    1. Api Token (as provided by LiveVox)
    2. Client Name (as provided by LiveVox)
    3. Service ID (as provided by LiveVox)
    4. Username (API Security Key user name as provided by LiveVox)**
    5. Password (API Security Key password as provided by LiveVox)**
    6. The remainder of the settings should be set up to meet your needs; if you are unsure of how you want these to be setup, please start by setting them up as shown in the screenshot below
    7. "Auto Update Contacts" needs to be set to true in order to ensure that new account contacts are updated to LiveVox at the time of placement and to ensure that contacts continue to be updated in LiveVox when contact fields are modified in ACE

     5. Under "Custom Fields", select "Apply" to save the vendor

    Image Displays Steps 1-5


    LiveVox Security API Key
    After Saving/Applying these new dialer vendor settings, the LiveVox API Security Key can be located (and updated if necessary) under Setup-Security Credentials in ACE.

    Custom Fields

    1. Custom Fields are initially configured in LiveVox.

    2. In ACE, go to the Custom Fields section and click the "Refresh" button to import the custom fields from LiveVox.

    3. For each listed custom contact field that you want to keep updated in LiveVox, click the pencil icon and select the corresponding ACE field.

    4. Any custom contact fields displayed as "(empty)" and not mapped to ACE data won't update in LiveVox.

    Image Displays Custom Fields


    Default Fields Between LiveVox and ACE

    Certain contact fields, known as DEFAULT fields, will be automatically updated in LiveVox without the need for custom identification.

    Please refer to the table below for the list of DEFAULT contact fields:

    balancecurrent balance
    account blockPERMANENT iff doNotCall is set
    original account numberclient account number
    accountcustomer account number
    primary email consentelsStatus==OPTED_IN
    phoneBlock(see function isPhoneNumberAllowed)
    cellConsentlocationType==Mobile && priorExpressConsent
    first namefirst name
    lastnamelast name (or company name if first and last are empty)
    ssnnational id last 4
    Allow Update Contacts

    Mapped Custom Fields and DEFAULT contact fields will be updated in LiveVox when changes are saved to an account or demographic if Allow Update Contacts is set to true/checked for the LiveVox API vendor OR when a job with the job task Dialer: LiveVox Update Contacts is ran in ACE.

    Changes to custom field configurations made in LiveVox are NOT automatically detected by ACE.  Please select Refresh after changes are made in LiveVox to update ACE with modifications.

    Dialer Codes

    Under "Dialer Codes" data will need to be populated with each dialer code LiveVox returns with phone log results.

    • Each dialer code will have a number (Dialer Code) that is used by LiveVox. LiveVox may provide defaults for labeling and understanding each dialer code.
    • You will need to update each of the corresponding fields; label, skip, phone location, phone result contact, etc. to correspond with the way you want the phone log results/records recorded in ACE.

    Image Displays Dialer Codes


    Action Path Flagging

    Since account contacts are automatically updated in LiveVox through the API, and campaigns can be built using this data directly in LiveVox, there's no requirement to flag accounts or export them to LiveVox via SFTP. However, if such a need arises, setting up flagging action path workflows and SFTP export jobs becomes necessary. For assistance with this setup, please consult with the support team for guidance.

    Set up Agent in ACE

    Each agent that will be working accounts in the LiveVox Dialer and using Click to Dial from ACE will need an agent login ID, Password and a Dialer Caller ID entered in their User Profile in ACE.

    Image Displays LiveVox Agent Settings


    Set up Jobs in ACE

    It is recommended that two jobs be set up for LiveVox API dialer integration as follows:

    1. LiveVox Update Contacts and LiveVox Update DNC (Do Not Call) job - run nightly to catch any changes that may not have transmitted in real time; API update delay of 5 seconds or less can be expected


    In ACE, when a phone number is marked as 'DNC' in the Phone Demographic Record, it will update in LiveVox through the LiveVox DNC job task. However, if an account is marked as 'DNC' in the Debt Information section, this change will not be reflected in LiveVox.

    To effectively manage 'DNC' records in ACE for customers using LiveVox API integration, ensure proper handling at both the phone and account levels.

    Image Displays LiveVox API Contacts Job


    2. LiveVox Import Phone Log and Audio File job - run a minimum of once a day

    Image Displays API Phone Logs and Audio Import Job


    LiveVox Client Specific Click to dial Service ID

    If a customer wants to use client specific service ids in place of the default LiveVox Settings Service ID, that can be accomplished using a client form. The following must be true:

    • The Form Config Type = CLIENT
    • The Form Identifier = LIVEVOX
    • The Form Field = SERVICE_ID
    • The form field for the client must be populated
    • The service ID used must be set up in LiveVox

    Image Displace Service ID


    LiveVox API Demo

    You can watch a video showcasing the ACE & LiveVox connectivity and how contact updates are done via the API by clicking LiveVox API Demo



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    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

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