Release Notes 05/12/2024
    • 10 May 2024
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    Release Notes 05/12/2024

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    Article summary


    You can expect up to an hour of downtime to deploy this release.

    Image Displays May Flowers

    In This Issue

    • Two Way Email

    • Chat Management

    • Rainmaker Welcome

    • Chat Agent & Email Preferences

    • VA 2.0 Payment Confirmation

    • VA 2.0 Auto-Login Expiration

    • VA 2.0 Pay Specific Bundle Members

    • VA 2.0 Text Message Opt In & Opt Out

    • VA 2.0 Custom Text

    • VA 2.0 Additional Authentication

    • Remove Facebook SSO

    • Email Unsubscribe

    • Email Editors

    • Payment Reminders

    • Payment Schedule Letters

    • Agents Performance Summary

    • SQL Designer Pay View

    • Text Logs

    • Navigation Action Codes

    • Client Access Phones

    • Worklist Links to Action

    • User Away Option

    • Documents From S3

    • Dismissed Bankruptcies

    Two Way Email

    Two way email is available in ACE. Please reach out to to request more information about enabling this option in your ACE application.

    Additional details related to these features can be found in ACE Help with Email/ELS articles.


    Chat Management

    Chat features have been updated and now include the following features. Additional information about these features can be found using this linked help article: Chat Manager Guide.

    From the Utilities menu:

    • Chat Manager - chat managers can view and respond to chats

    • Chat Search - chat managers can search for accounts with chat history

    From the Account sidebar:

    • Chat Logs - chat logs can be viewed

    Image Displays Chat Inbox

    Image Displays Chat Search Menu

    Image Displays Chat Logs

    Rainmaker Welcome Message

    You now have the option to customize a welcome message for Rainmaker chat. This feature can be accessed under Setup → Vendors → Chat. Find additional details here: How to set up chat in ACE.

    Image Displays Welcome Message Tool Tip

    New VA 2.0 Profile / Chat Preference Options

    There are new options that allow customers to adjust preferences related to agent name and company email address that will be displayed in the Chat responses.

    Virtual Agent 2.0

    VA 2.0 Payment Plan Confirmation Update

    The VA 2.0 Payment Plan Confirmation page now presents differently for payment plan creation versus modification.

    Image Displays Payment Plan Confirmation Page

    VA 2.0 Auto-Login Link Expiration

    There is now an option to set an expiration date for VA 2.0 Auto-login links.

    Image Displays VA 2.0 Profiles General Section

    Pay Specific Bundle Accounts in VA 2.0

    Previously, from the VA 2.0 Details page, consumers were able to enter a payment to a single specified account within their bundle of accounts.

    Now, the consumer will be able to select more than one account within the bundle to apply a single payment to.

    Image Displays VA 2.0 Account Details Page

    VA 2.0 Text Message Opt In & Opt Out

    In VA 2.0, when a consumer updates their phone number in the contact options, it affects texting preferences in the following ways.

    • Opt-In Confirmation: when a consumer updates or enters a phone number with "Text me" set to true, the phone number will be automatically opted in for text.

    • Opt-Out Confirmation: when a consumer updates or enters a phone number with "Text me" set to false, an opt-out confirmation message will be sent to the consumer.

    Image Displays VA 2.0 Contact Options Page

    VA 2.0 Custom Text

    A customer can now modify payment labels. For example, the label for credit card payments can be modified from "Credit Card," to "Credit/Debt Card."

    This is accomplished by updating the Custom Text json file in the VA 2.0 Profile Contact Information section. For more details, see the Custom Text in VA 2.0 help article.

    Image Displays VA 2.0 Payment Page

    Additional Authentication in VA 2.0

    There is a new option in VA 2.0 Preferences which uses a logic block to define accounts that will require additional authentication.

    If the additional authentication data entered does not match the information on the account, the consumer will not be able to log in and will be presented with, "Error - Sorry, that doesn't match our records. Please try again."

    In the scenario where a consumer account does not have a date of birth or social security number populated, the VA 2.0 will bypass this authentication step.

    Image Displays Require Extra Auth in VA 2.0 Preferences

    Image Displays Additional Authentication Pages in VA 2.0 Consumer Experience

    Removing Facebook Single Sign On

    The VA 2.0 Facebook single sign on option has been removed due to complexity of integrating it into VA 2.0 and low customer interest in the feature.



    Where supported by an email host client, an "Unsubscribe" option will now show up in the email header. When a consumer clicks the Unsubscribe link, the email address will be set as opted-out and inactive in ACE. This feature is specific to AWS.

    Image Displays Unsubscribe Link

    Email Editor Options

    The Email Manager can now choose between simple and advanced email editors by toggling the eye icon.


    Payment Reminders & Receipts Update

    Secure payment destinations include settings for Payment Reminders and Payment Receipts. When a preferred contact method is set for an account demographic, that is the contact method used in conjunction with the Payment Reminder configuration.

    Now, if no preferred contact method has been selected at the account demographic level, the Payment Reminders and Payment Receipts will be sent to the first available method starting with Email, then Text, then Letter.

    If one of the methods is opted out or configured explicitly to not receive contact, it will be skipped and will not be selected by default.

    The contact methods do not need to be opted in for this to work correctly.

    Please Note

    As part of this update, opt in options for email and text; previously associated with payment reminders & receipts; have been removed from the Post Transaction payment page.

    Send Payment Schedule Letter Flow Action

    Payment Schedule Letters can now be successfully initiated using a Workflow: Action Path from a job. This is accomplished using the "Send payment Schedule Letter" Action Path Flow Action.

    Image Displays Action Path Flow Action


    Agents Performance Summary

    The Agents Performance Summary report has been updated to include both Future Scheduled promises and payments associated with the time frame of the report, but also a separate All Future Scheduled promises and payments.

    SQL Designer Payment View

    To comply with regulatory standards, the payment view in the SQL Designer no longer includes data pertaining to credit card numbers and expiration dates.

    Text Logs

    There are two columns, “Txt Msg Template ID” & “Txt Msg Template Identifier” which are now available to be displayed in text log lists in ACE.

    Navigation Action Codes

    Navigation Action Codes are now available to enable agents to navigate efficiently to different areas in the account page using keyboard commands.

    Added by default, customers may add, edit or remove any of these codes to meet their needs. Refer to the About Action Codes help article for more information.

    Image Displays Navigation Action Codes

    Client Access Auth Phone Numbers

    The user profile page now includes an additional phone number field specifically for storing a mobile phone number. When populated, it will be the default phone number used for client access user additional authentication text messages.

    For more details see the Client Access Additional Authentication help article.

    Worklist - Quick Link to Action Paths

    The Flow Action ID field in Worklist Build Options now has a quick link to associated Action Paths.

    User Is Away (Vacation, etc.)

    There is now an option to set a user away in the User Profile page. When this option set to true, the agent will not receive alerts for emails or texts.

    When agents and supervisors are on vacation or otherwise out of the office, alerts for emails and texts will be suspended.

    Supervisors will continue to be alerted so long as they are not set away. If all Supervisors are identified as away, the first supervisor in the list will receive alerts.

    Accounts Documents: Transfer From S3

    This job task transfers account documents from an AWS S3 bucket instead of a SFTP site. It also offers an archiving option that moves original files without deletion.

    Image Displays Accounts Documents: Transfer From S3 Job Task

    Dismissed Bankruptcy Accounts

    The bankruptcy pill that shows up in the accounts summary for accounts in bankruptcy will now be automatically removed when a bankruptcy is dismissed.

    Fixed These:

    • Previously, when the Demographic Email Opt-out link/url was used, the DemographicEmail status was not being marked as "DO_NOT_CONTACT." It is now.

    • Chat alerts were not being removed from the alert list after a supervisor or agent opened them. They are now.

    • The Customer Client Code column in the generate remits page lists was not always displaying the client code. It is now.

    • When a phone demographic record was updated from the demographic page to inactive or do not call with the “Apply Action,” the account summary was not updating to show the phone number removed until the page was refreshed. It is now.

    • There was an issue related to “call time” where working accounts by bundle in a worklist was resulting in the user being unable to move to the next account and was repeatedly being taken to the account they were trying to move past. This has been fixed.

    • There was a scenario where consumers were erroneously presented with a default mini-miranda in the VA 2.0. That has been fixed.

    • The Worklist Build Option Flow Action selection dropdown list was not presenting all action paths. It is now.

    • There was a scenario where an agent was not receiving an alert after a consumer received an auto-response via ITMS. That has been fixed.

    • Consumers were able to enter an American Express payment in VA 2.0 when the payment destination was configured to exclude American Express as an option. That has been fixed. VA2 will now let the consumer know that the card type is not allowed and let them know which card types are allowed.

    • There was a problem with User Profile MFA QR codes showing up broken. This has been fixed.

    • Payment options were erroneously being offered in chat. Rainmaker has been optimized to avoid erroneous payment options.

    • When a payment batch without a spreader associated with it was defaulted as the first batch option, it was interfering with any spreader showing up, even after a different batch is selected.

    • Emails were not being assigned to a supervisor even though the supervisor was receiving and choosing the inbound alert. They are now.

    • A problem was identified where VA url links in validation notice emails were being erroneously cleared, so they would not work on a subsequent attempt to link from the email. That has been fixed.

    • Deactivating triggers was not working immediately after the configuration change. That has been fixed.

    • When selecting a text message from text message search results, the user was being presented with the list page instead of the opened text message.

    • Attaching account documents to an email was not working when email address was selected from the account summary. It is now.

    • Using the “New” option from the Email Vendor page was not working. It is now.

    • Menu items were opening and replacing the existing page. That has been fixed.

    • There was a scenario where a letter was scheduled using a workflow action path job task in a job and it was sent even though the account’s “Do Not Mail” field was set to true. This has been fixed.

    • The Rainmaker response to “cease and desist” in a chat message from a consumer will now read similar to this response, “This confirms we have received your cease and desist and we will mark your account accordingly. Please reach back out to us if you need anything.” The response was previously more ambiguous.

    • The Agent Summary (MTD) dashboard was showing Pace based on Amount instead of Fees for Agents with Commission Base identified. This has been fixed.

    • Logic Blocks were resulting in task failure and bad join error in job logs. This has been fixed.

    • Previously, when attempting to save a Garnishment record to an account, with no garnishee record selected, a null error would be presented. Now the garnishment record page will shofw a message indicating that the garnishee is required.

    • The legal case document description was not visible in the Description column. It is now. Please Note: The legal case document Description must be entered under “Upload New File” before the document is selected for upload or it will not be applied to the document.

    • There has been a scenario where user sessions are cleared when cache is cleared. That has been fixed and user sessions should no longer be cleared when cache is cleared.

    • When attempting to print a letter locally with an international address (for a customer using internationalization), the error message of “Unable to print letter: Primary address is invalid or blank” was being presented. The letter is printing as expected now.

    • The Worklist configuration option to “Work accounts between 8am and 9pm only” was not working as expected. It is now.

    • Some Nuvei transactions were failing due to a invalid user token. This was caused by new plan ids being created when a payment was reran. This problem has been fixed.

    • Client forms were sometimes not loading as expected on the Client Profile page. That has been fixed.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence