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ACE Release Notes - 10/11/2020
Hi (oops, I don't have your first name in our database!),
Below are the updates and fixes we will be pushing out to all of our customers. We can’t wait to deliver further improvements to you in the months ahead!
We are expecting the downtime for deploying this update to be ten to fifteen minutes.
All the best, Your friends at The InterProse Corporation |
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Cool New Upgrades
No Rest for the Weary Programmer!
Account ViewNew Feature - Watermarks: It is now possible to generate a large watermark over an account view screen if that account is a member of a certain worklist or status code. This watermark provides a very visible message for users to consider before working the account, please see the 'Take a Closer Look' section for more details.
Core ReportsNew Liquidation and History Analysis by Assignment Report features: Both the client and company liquidation reports, as well as client and company History Analysis by Assignment Reports now have additional options to choose from when generating a report. All four reports now allow you to:
DialersTCN Custom Response Codes: It is now possible for an agent working in TCN to manually override the Dialer code sent back to ACE with a custom response code. If the agent inputs a response identifier associated with a custom response code on your application into the response code field within TCN, the agent response code will override the dialer vendor code. Please see the 'Take a Closer Look' section for more details. |
LegalNew module - Garnishment: ACE now has an area for tracking garnishments against a debtor. This module stores any information related to the garnishment including sent date, expire date, garnishment amount, and more. The information related to the organization applying the garnishment to the debtor (garnishee) is also stored in a separate form. Please see the 'Take a Closer Look' section for more details. |
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Take a Closer Look
Custom Response Codes Custom response codes can be set up in the dialer vendor page under each vendor code: |
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Here is the agent response we will use in the example: |
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In this case, if a call log returned with dialer code 2000 and 'Home Refused Payment' in the response field, the dialer agent response settings would override the default settings associated with the dialer code 2000. If I attempted to return 'Home Refused Payment' under any other dialer code it would not work unless the same profile was created under other dialer codes. |
WatermarksFound either in a status codes setting profile, or within a worklists setting profile is our new watermark feature: |
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If you specify a text phrase and select a color, a large warning will appear on any account in that status or worklist: |
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This watermark is not a method for locking an account/preventing a user from inputting data, but can serve as a very visible warning for users to consider before they do interact with the account.
Note: If an account is in both a status code and a worklist that apply watermarks the status code watermark will take priority. |
GarnishmentThe new garnishment form can be found in the sidebar of any account: |
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The form will store all relevant information to the garnishment filing, and can even display information about the organization performing the garnishment (garnishee) at the top of the form. If you need to create a new garnishee, this can be done under setup>legal>garnishees or by simply clicking the green '+' symbol located next to the field: |
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Two new triggers have been added in relation to garnishments as well, 'onGarishmentExpireDate' and 'onGarnishmentObjectionHearingDate'. These new triggers can be used to activate workflow such as bringing the account to the attention of an agent when the expiration date is ten days away or sending a letter confirming a garnishment hearing.
Two database tables have also been made available via letter profiles (garnishee and garnishment tables), this will make it possible to create letter templates containing garnishment information. |
Making Things Right
- Fixed a big causing the 'remove on worked' worklist feature to remove all worklists. - Fixed an incorrect duplicate account message when loading accounts via ETL. - Fixed an issue causing system backups to take a long time. - Fixed an issue that made it difficult to delete columns from inventory reports. |
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