Release Notes for ACE 11/07/2021
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    Release Notes for ACE 11/07/2021

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    2021-10-06 08_18_39-Edit Email _ September 19, 2021 Release Notes (Clone)

    ACE Release Notes - 11/07/2021

     Below are the updates and fixes we will be pushing out to all of our customers. 

    We can’t wait to deliver further improvements to you in the months ahead!


    We are expecting the downtime for deploying this update to be ten to fifteen minutes.


    All the best,

    Your friends at The InterProse Corporation

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    Regulation F

    Check out the "Take a Closer Look" section where we outline the third phase of new features and tools in ACE being rolled out with this release to help you manage Regulation F requirements.

    Cool New Upgrades 

    Regulation F Bonus Development

    In addition to the scheduled development we are including in each release, needs continue to be identified and put in place. Here are the ones you'll see in this release.

    • If an adjustment transaction is entered to an account with a date prior to the itemization date a warning is now displayed.
    • Likewise, if an itemization transaction is entered on the itemization page that occurred prior to the itemization date a warning is now displayed.

    Likewise, if an itemization transaction is entered on the itemization page that occurred prior to the itemization date an error is now displayed.

    Itemization Creditor for Credit Reporting

    There is now an option to send the Itemization Creditor Name for Credit Reporting.

    Palinode Sonnet Creditor Name

    If the job task for "Disputes: Palinode Sonnet" has "Use Itemization Creditor Name" set to true, the itemization creditor name will be used. Otherwise, the creditor name for Palinode Sonnet integration will now match the creditor name supplied in the Metro2 file with credit reporting.

    Additional Visible Data on Pending Bundle Page

    In the Workflow -> Pending Bundles page, matches on National ID, date of birth  and drivers license are now visible in the bundle section and can be displayed in the Matches list.

    Find Accounts by the First 5 digits of a Zipcode

    When using a U.S. consumer zip code field to return accounts via a logic block, only the first 5 digits will now be considered. This eliminates the situation where accounts with a 9 digit zip code were not previously being returned.

    ETL Profile Settings

    For companies that use a lot of ETL Profiles, ETL settings can now be returned in the SQL Designer. The tables/views that can be queried are as follows.

    • easy_loader
    • easy_loader_column
    • They can be viewed together joining on easy_loader.easy_loader_id

    Speed & Efficiency Improvements

    • Documents loaded via the Entrata integration are now only downloaded once but are attached to each responsible party account
    • Payment spreading across large bundles of accounts is more efficient now
    • Document load speed is improved by initiating fewer disk space checks

    Take a Closer Look 


    Regulation F Development - Phase 3

    The CFPB's 12 CFR Part 1006 (Regulation F) has a version that will go into effect November 30, 2021. With that in mind, InterProse is developing features and tools in ACE to help customers better manage Regulation F requirements. Per documentation shared with customers September 25th and October 1st via email, the third phase of this development work will be released on November 7th as outlined in the details below.

    Need: Firewall restriction override for consumer allowed contact within 7 day period (prior express consent) - Deferred from Phase 2

    Please note: in the document, "ACE Development Plans Related to Reg F v1.2," this "Need" was identified as shown above. We want to clarify that this topic relates, not to the "firewall" setup in ACE, but to the new "compliance" setup in ACE.


    When a consumer has agreed to allow one contact within a specified period, an agent can now indicate that on the account.


    Associated setup and behavior is as follows. After this is setup, logic can be used to identify that consent was given and the date on which it was given. The default date it was given will be the current date when it is identified, but a consent date field will be available via ETL.


    1. Under Setup -> Compliance, the Max Consent To Contact Days must have a number entered.

    2. The agent can identify that the consumer has consented to the additional contact in the Account's Notate Account section.

    3. Consent To Contact is also available to be set based on dialer code setup associated with phone log results.

    Need: Preferred time window to receive calls

    If a consumer, spouse or other demographic associated with an account specifies a particular window of time they would prefer to receive contact, agents can now enter a Preferred Contact Time for each day of the week under the demographic.


    Please note: this information stored in ACE does not currently correspond to data dialer vendors might use for preferred contact times. Therefore it is recommended that accounts where a consumer has specified a preferred contact time be worked locally and not be eligible for dialer campaigns.


    1. In the demographic page (via the name in the summary section or the name listed under the account page demographics section), after the agent checks the Boolean option for "Use Preferred Contact Time" under the "Preferred Contact Time" section. If "Use Preferred Contact Time" is set to true, it can be used as logic to exclude accounts from dialer campaigns

    2. After "Use Preferred Contact Time" is checked, sliders will be available to identify (1) the end of the preferred contact time and (2) the beginning of the preferred contact time as follows.

    • Left click on the bar to place the end time slider and drag the start time slider from the left.
    • Continue to move the sliders until the time to the right of the day of the week accurately reflects the consumer's preference.
    • If no time is identified, "No Contact" will show in place of a time.
    • To quickly clear the time identified for a day, left click the "x" to the right of the slider.
    • Preferred contact times will appear in a 12 hour format, but is stored in a 24 hour format.

    Please note: at this time, there can only be one stored preferred contact time per day of the week.

    Preferred contact time fields for each demographic are available to add to user interface summary sections. The fields with Preferred Contact Time that don't specify a day of the week will display the preferred contact time populated for the current day.

    • Preferred Contact Time will be displayed in the consumer demographic's time zone (per the 1st priority address zip code)
    • Preferred Contact Time "Local" will display the agent users time zone (which may or may not be the same as the consumer demographic's time zone)

    Preferred contact time fields for the primary demographic are available to use as logic block conditions. The field, "Preferred Contact Time" (without a specified day of the week) pertains to the preferred contact time populated for the current day.

    Need: Itemization group/sub-bundle group - Deferred to Phase 4 

    Please note: this development, originally scheduled for this Phase 3 release has been rescheduled for Phase 4 of the ACE Development Plans.

    LiveVox Dialer Integration Updates

    New LiveVox vendor integration features in ACE are now available. An add-on is required in order to set up and use the new features. Please reach out to support for more information.


    Configuration for these updates will be available in a vendor profile under Setup -> Dialer after the add-on is applied to your application. An API token, client name and API security keys will need to be set up and applied. Fields will auto-populate* in the LiveVox vendor profile "Custom Fields" section and will need to be mapped by the customer to associated fields in ACE.


    *The auto-populated fields are listed in the LiveVox application under Configure -> System -> Fields. If fields are not mapped, no data will be synchronized between LiveVox and ACE.


    Help files for LiveVox are expected to available in ACE by November 15, 2021.


    Please note: If you are currently set up with LiveVox using the ACE dialer "TEMPLATE" setup and without the add-on, you may continue to do so, but you will not have access to these more integrated features.

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    Making Things Right


    - Fixed a problem where the Entrata import was stopping when it encountered a property without eligible accounts to load

    - Fixed an issue where an error was not always being thrown for a missing demographic type

    - Fixed a problem with loading the letter data source

    - Fixed a problem with agent performance statistics dashboards

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