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Required Batch Opening for Posting Non-Secure Payments in ACE
How are transactions or payments handled in ACE?
Every transaction or payment is posted to a batch in ACE.
What happens with secure payments like credit card or ACH in ACE?
ACE automatically opens, closes, and deposits a new secure payment batch every day.
What about non-secure payments like cash, checks, or others?
For non-secure payments, a batch needs to be open before the payment transaction is initiated. Some agencies choose to open, close, and deposit batches daily for reconciliation, but it's not mandatory.
What occurs if a user tries to post a payment when no batch is open?
ACE will display an error message saying, "There are no open batches available."
How can I open a batch in ACE?
To open a batch in ACE, follow these steps:
Go to Transactions → Batches → New
Enter Identifier. ACE default format is YYYYMMDD-UU*-number (* are initials of the person creating the batch).
Select Receiver.
Select Payment Batch Location from dropdown.
Select Role from dropdown. Make sure the users have the correct Permission Role to post payments to this batch, typically an Agent.
Select Payment Destination from dropdown.
(optional) Enter expected count. If used, ACE will display the difference of actual compared to expected inside the batch. (ACE will still allow a transaction if it exceeds the expected count.)
(optional) Enter expected amount. If used, ACE will display the difference of actual compared to expected inside the batch. (ACE will still allow a transaction if it exceeds the expected amount.)
Click Apply.
What can I do after creating a batch in ACE?
After the batch is created, you can start posting transactions.