Sample SQL Report for Demographic Archive Table
    • 09 Aug 2024
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    Sample SQL Report for Demographic Archive Table

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    Article summary

    This guide will demonstrate how to create a sample SQL Report to retrieve demographic details for consumers whose debt records have been archived.


    This sample report does not include all the data available in the debt.archive table.

    Creating a SQL Report from Demographic Archive Table

    This query selects some of the demographic information from the demographic_archive table and orders the results by last_name and first_name.

    1. Go to Help → Layout → SQL Views

      1. Download the file

      2. Locate the debt.archive table and fields that can be included in the report

    2. Go to Reports → SQL Designer, select New

      1. Label: Demographic Archive Report


      3. Description: This report retrieves demographic details for consumers whose debt records have been archived

      4. SQL Section: Enter the SQL query (see sample below)

    3. Click Test to view the report

    4. Click Save when satisfied with the report

    Sample SQL Query


    Explanation of the SQL Query

    • SELECT Clause

      • The SELECT clause specifies the columns to be retrieved from the demographic_archive table. Each column listed here represents a piece of data that you want to include in the report.

    • FROM Clause

      • The FROM clause specifies the table from which to retrieve the data. In this case, it is the demographic_archive table.

    • ORDER BY Clause

      • The ORDER BY clause specifies the columns by which to sort the results. In this query, the results are sorted first by last_name and then by first_name in ascending order. This means the records will be ordered alphabetically by last name and, within each last name, alphabetically by first name.

    Sample Report Output

    Below is an example of the report generated by the above SQL query:

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