Solutions By Text (SBT) Version 1
    • 10 Nov 2023
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    Solutions By Text (SBT) Version 1

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    Article summary

    Summary of ACE / SBT Functionality

    The following capabilities can be configured in ACE to work with the SBT vendor:

    1. Set up specific text messages to be sent through SBT - the designed text messages allow for specific ACE account variables to be passed into the message
    2. Opt in and opt out consumers with emails saved to ACE accounts
    3. Send a specific text message from a scheduled job to accounts chosen based on selection logi
    4. Send a specific text message from an account phone number selected on demand
    5. Import text results from a scheduled job to the account’s text log; viewable from the account’s sideba
    6. A custom report can be requested to view, group and sort text log results for supervisor revie
    7. No logic criteria or action path workflow is available for text message results at this time


    The customer will request and receive documentation from SBT which will include the customer's SBT credentials as identified below:

    • API Key
    • Org Cod
    • Send Org Code

    Vendor Setup in ACE

    1. Add the vendor (Setup -> Vendors -> Text Message -> New)
    2. Enter Vendor Information
    3. Provider = Solutions By Text
    4. Label = Solutions By Text
    5. Identifier = SOLUTIONS_BY_TEXT
    6. Api Key = provided by vendor (see above)
    7. Org Code = provided by vendor (see above)
    8. Send Org Code = provided by vendor (see above)
    9. Select “Apply”
    10. Confirm Security Token is populated (this is populated with a token SBT creates when the credentials are applied/saved to the vendor settings)
    Image Displays Vendor Information Section


    Text Message Profiles Section

    • SBT will provide the customer with default text message profiles to put in place 
    • Profiles will include a body of the text message in html with functions to include available field content to the text message

    Permission Roles

    Apply permission roles, as required to the users who will set up and send text messages in ACE.

    InterProse Support can assist with identifying setting up Permission Roles as required:

    • EXT_MESSAGE_VENDOR_VIEW (for agents)

    Test Message Text Section

    • The Text Message Test section can be used to verify credentials are working.
    • It is also recommended that all set up jobs, logic and workflow be thoroughly validated before going live with use of any new vendor.

    Agent Opt in for Consumer

    Typically, phone numbers are opted in to receive text messages when an agent is in contact with the consumer.

     To opt in a phone number for a consumer, the agent will: 

    1. Open the phone number demographic from the account (left click on the phone number from either the account summary section or the phone number list section on the account page)
    2. Ask the consumer if they would like to receive communication via text message
    3. Select “Send Opt In Request” from the Text Messaging section
    4. The agent will see a field where a code can be entered
    5. The consumer will receive the request asking them if they want to communicate with text messaging
    6. After responding with “Yes”, the consumer will receive a code
    7. The agent will need to enter the code the consumer received, after which the account’s phone number will be opted in

    Image Displays Text Messaging Section


    Mass Opt In

    • There may be options to mass opt in phone numbers using action path workflow
    • An agency interested in mass opting in phone numbers for text messages should engage their own or their clients’ vendor, legal and/or compliance resources to verify the agency may opt in phone numbers in this manner
    • An agency interested in mass opting in phone numbers should work with InterProse support for any required guidance

    Sending text messages

    Text messages may be sent manually by an agent or en masse using a job with action path workflow

    To manually send a text:

    • Open the phone number demographic from the account
    • Under the Text Messaging section, select the “Send Text Message” drop down box and select the text to be sent
    • Select “Send”

    To send text messages en masse:

    See  “Add a job to send text messages to SBT” instructions below

    • Set up triggered action path workflow 
    • The action path setup will be similar to that used with the job

    Not all triggers should be used to send text messages en masse

    An agency interested in setting up action path workflow with a trigger should work with InterProse support for any required guidance

    Setup Jobs in ACE

     Importing Text Message Results from SBT:

    1. Navigate to Workflow -> Utilities -> Jobs -> New.
    2. Add a job to import text message results from SBT. This is crucial for updating phone numbers to opted-out based on SBT responses.
    3. Configure a Text Messages: Import Data job task:
    4. Vendor: Solutions By Text
    5. Date Range: Today (use the calendar tool)
    6. Schedule: Run daily or multiple times each day

    Auto Optin Text Messages to SBT:

    1. Add another job through Workflow -> Utilities -> Jobs -> New for sending text messages to SBT. 
    2. Configure one or more Workflow: Action Path job tasks:
    3. Implement Selection Logic to identify eligible accounts for text messages.
    4. Set up logic block to “Return Primary Account Only” and exclude accounts with a “TXT_OPT_OUT” flag.
    5. Schedule the job to run daily.
    6. Specify the Action Path to send a predefined text message associated with the job task.
    7. Utilize Workflow to send different text messages based on distinct selection logic conditions.

    Opt-In File Setup:

    1. Create CSV Opt-In File with the following format:

    MobileNo, FirstName, LastName, UniqueID
    12145551212, John, Doe, SBT-123456T
    12145551313, Jane, Doe, SBT-123457T

    2. Naming Convention:

    • customer SBT user name
    • Date
    • Send Org Code
    • optin
    • Use a sequential number variable in filenames to avoid overwriting: should be an integer with a maximum of 8 digits, allowing multiple uploads in a single day.

    *Utilizing the ${DateFormat:mmss} creates the sequential number variable*

    3. Scrub Results File:

    After SBT processes the opt-in file, expect a scrub results file in the SFTP.

    Use this file to identify mobile numbers that received the opt-in message.

    Ensure that file drops only include new numbers for opt-in, as campaign messages are managed via API.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence