State and Statute of Limitations Configuration
    • 08 Jul 2024
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    State and Statute of Limitations Configuration

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    Article summary

    This guide outlines the process of configuring state or territory-specific settings in ACE to accommodate location-specific rules.

    State Setup Overview:

    ACE allows you to configure various settings at the state or territory level. These settings include:

    1. Contact Window Settings

    2. Regulation Pop-Up Window Text

    3. Service Fees

    4. Statutes of Limitations

    State Setup

    To configure state or territory-specific settings in ACE to adhere to location-specific rules, follow these steps:

    1. Access Setup → States → States and click New.

    2. Create a label and identifier for the state  (Use "DEFAULT" to represent all states/territories).

    3. Click Apply.

    Contact Window Override

    • ACE tracks and limits contacts within a specified window of days.

    • Default settings are in Setup → Compliance → Settings. Refer to Compliance Page for details.

    • State-specific limitations are set up individually for each state.

    Configuration Steps:

    1. Set up the state first.

    2. Populate fields in the Contact Window Override section as required, leaving fields blank to apply default settings.

    Image Displays Contact Window Override Section

    Fields in the Contact Window Override Section:



    Number of Days

    The number of days prior to the current date to use when evaluating contact limits. Leave setting at zero to use your default compliance settings.

    Maximum Contact Attempts

    The maximum number of contact attempts to allow within the window. All channels of communication will be included in the evaluation except for communications designated with the INFORMATION category.

    Maximum Contacts

    The maximum number of contacts to allow within the window. All channels of communication will be included in the evaluation except for communications designated with the INFORMATION category.

    Maximum Right Party Contacts

    The maximum number of right party contacts to allow within the window. Only phone logs will be included in the evaluation except for communications designated with the INFORMATION category.

    Maximum Connected Calls

    A maximum number of connected calls to allow within the window. A connected call is a phone call with any ‘Contact’ result type or a ‘No Contact’ result type with ‘NO_ANSER’.

    Maximum Letters

    The maximum number of letters to allow within the window.

    Maximum Emails

    The maximum number of emails to allow within the window.

    Maximum Texts

    The maximum number of texts to allow within the window.

    Max Consent to Contact Days

    The maximum number of days to allow a consent to contact override for the Contact Window. The consent will automatically expire after this number of days from the date of consent.

    State Regulation Pop-Ups:

    You can configure regulation pop-ups for agents based on the primary demographic address location.

    Steps to Create a New Regulation Pop-Up:

    1. Go to Setup → States → States and select the state.

    2. In the State Regulations section, click New.

    3. Enter applicable text for the pop-up window.

    4. Save your changes.

    Image Displays State Regulation Section

    Service Fees:

    ACE allows you to set up service fees for credit card and ACH transactions.

    Steps to Create a New Service Fee:

    1. Go to Setup → States → States and select the state.

    2. In the Payment Fees section, click New.

    3. Select the payment destination and enter the fee.

    4. Configure flat rate or percentage-based fees as needed.

    5. Click Save.

    Image Displays Payment Fee Section


    The ‘Return Check Fee’ fields require custom work. Reach out to Support for assistance to setup.

    Statute of Limitations (SOL):

    ACE enables you to configure statutes of limitations at the state level.

    Steps to Create a New Statute of Limitations:

    If applicable, create SOL Account Types. Refer to Statute of Limitations (SOL) Configurations for details.

    1. Go to Setup → States → States and select the state.

    2. In the Statute of Limitations section, click New.

    3. Configure SOL rules based on account type and account value.

    4. Check boxes to reset SOL with payments if needed.

    5. Add Payment Revival Disclosure if needed.

    6. Click Save.

    Payment Revival - After SOL Disclosure

    When configured with Payment Revival - After SOL, this notification will appear. It also works in VA 2.0, where the disclosure will pop up when the consumer makes a payment or creates a payment plan.

    Please Note: the “Payment Revival - After SOL Disclosure” will be displayed even if the first date of the plan is in the future. The revival won’t occur until the payment is initiated.

    Image Displays Statute of Limitation Section

    Statute of Limitation Fields



    Account Type

    If mapping the specific statute of limitations rules to a specific collection type, select it from the Account Type Dropdown. Otherwise, leave blank.

    Account Field

    Select the account value that the statute of limitations needs to calculate against (e.g., assigned date).


    Enter the length of Statute of Limitations in years.

    Payment Revival - Before SOL

    Select this option if a payment posted prior to the SOL Date resets the age.

    Payment Revival - After SOL

    Select this option if a payment posted after the SOL Date resets the age.

    Payment Revival - After SOL Disclosure

    Use this section to notify consumers that making a payment or starting a payment plan will reset the SOL period.

    Extinguish Account After SOL

    If this option is checked and the onStatuteOfLimitationsDateElapsed trigger is active, on the SOL date the onStatuteOfLimitationsExtinguish trigger will fire any associated workflow.

    This notification will appear when configured with Payment Revival - After SOL (Resets the age if a payment is posted after the SOL Date.)

    It also works in VA 2.0, where the disclosure will pop up when the consumer makes a payment or creates a payment plan.


    Changes to statutes of limitations may not automatically apply to existing accounts. Create an action path and add the "Evaluate Statute of Limitations" flow action to apply changes to affected accounts.

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