Using Forecast.Current Time Period
    • 24 Apr 2023
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    Using Forecast.Current Time Period

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    Article summary

    The Forecast.Current Time Period element produces its forecast by analyzing a value from the last row in the datalayer and "prorating" it into the future, through completion of a specific time period. Its calculations do not take working hours per day, holidays, or weekends into consideration.

    The Forecast.Current Time Period element is a child of any datalayer, as shown above, and its attributes include:



    Data Column

    (Required) Specifies the name of a column in the datalayer that contains the values which will be "prorated" across the time period.

    DateTime Data Column

    (Required) Specifies the name of a column in the datalayer that contains date values (and, optionally, a time) that are the starting point in time from which to prorate the Data Column value.


    (Required) A unique element ID.

    Time Period

    (Required) Specifies the time period through which values should be forecast. Options include: Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year.

    Forecast Difference Column ID

    Specifies the name of a new column that will be created in the datalayer to hold the value of the difference between the starting data value and each prorated forecast value.

    Forecast Indicator Column ID

    Specifies the name of a new column to be added to the datalayer, with value set to "True", for each row used in the forecast analysis. If left blank, the column will automatically be named "{ElementId}" + "ForecastIndicator"

    Forecast Value Column ID

    Specifies the name of a new column that will be created in the datalayer to hold each forecast value.

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