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The VA 2.0 Bundle Selector feature enables configuration within ACE, granting consumers access to view, pay, or perform other actions on their chosen bundle of accounts during login. Consumers can select one or more accounts for these actions.
This feature is only applicable if companies using ACE have more than one bundle of accounts they are working per distinct consumer.
Configuration Steps:
To activate the Bundle Selector:
1. Navigate to Setup → Virtual Agent → Profiles → General Section.
2. Activate the Bundle Selector by clicking on Support Bundle Selector.
Consumer Experience:
When a consumer tries to log into the VA and multiple bundles are detected, if the Bundle Selector is enabled, the VA will cross-reference the primary demographic information from identified bundles to locate other accounts in ACE with matching details.
Bundle Group Filters Impact:
Bundle Group Filters may affect bundles and/or accounts presented to consumers. If unexpected results occur, review VA Profile and/or Bundle Group Filter configurations before contacting support.
Special Case Accounts:
For accounts like Legal Case, Judgment, or Responsible Party Bundled accounts, thoroughly configure and test VA profiles and applied Bundle Group Filters outside of working hours. Ensure Bundle Selector is deactivated to prevent presenting inappropriate account bundles to consumers.
Auto Login Links:
Auto Login links will direct consumers to the valid account and bundle associated with the link, considering eligibility for VA 2.0. Configuration changes may impact eligibility.