New Letter Template and Associated Letter Profile
    • 14 Feb 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    New Letter Template and Associated Letter Profile

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    Article summary

    This guide will demonstrate how to create a new Letter Template and Letter Profile.


    Before creating a new letter template and letter profile, you must first install LibreOffice and Download the Letter Data Source.

    Refer to Configuring the Letter Data Source for details.

    Sample Templates

    ACE provides sample templates to streamline the letter setup process. The sample templates provide examples of different letter templates with data fields already incorporated.

    ACE Sample Templates

    ACE templates are provided as examples and are not intended to fulfill company requirements. Please consult with your company's management and legal teams.

    Creating a Letter Template

    We will create a letter template using the ‘Sample Debt Letter’ Template

    1. Go to Setup → Letters → Profiles

    2. Locate the ‘Sample Debt Letter’

    3. Locate the Template File Field, click on the cloud icon to download the template

    4. Open the template in LibreOffice

    Image Displays Step 3

    Locating Fields to add to the Letter Template

    Fields act as placeholders, allowing users to dynamically insert information from ACE into letters. This section will cover how to locate fields to add to your letter template using LibreOffice.

    1. Go to View → Data Sources

    2. Click the + to the left of ACE to expand that data source and then left click on the + to the left of Tables to see the ACE tables

    3. Scroll through the tables and left click on a table to see the available fields

      1. Example: left click on the primaryDemographic table to locate account information for the primary consumer

    Image Displays Step 3a

    Adding the Field into the Letter Template

    For this example, we want to put the name of the primary consumer into the letter informally as “first name last name”, which is accomplished using the field “infoFullName”

    1. Locate the Desired Field e.g. infoFullName

    2. Drag the field into your template

      1. You can move and copy the field into other locations into the letter

    3. Craft your content

    4. Save your template noting its location

    Image Displays Adding infoFullName Field into a Letter Template

    Creating a New Letter Profile

    1. Go to Setup → Letters → Profile, click New

    2. Locate Letter Profile Section

    3. Enter data into fields

      1. See table for Field Descriptions *denotes required field

    4. Locate the Template File Field, upload the template

    5. Click Save



    Delivery Method*

    Dropdown Menu:

    • Letter Only

    • Email Only

    • Email or Letter


    Name the Letter Profile


    Typically the same as the Label for easy reference


    Enter a description


    Choose the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Refer to Letter Category for details


    Dropdown Menu:

    • Debt: used for Debt Letters

    • Bundle: used for bundled account letters

    • Bundle Group: used for bundle group letters

    • Transaction: used for transaction letters

    • Payment History: used for payment history letters

    • Payment Schedule: used for payment/promise plan letters

    • Legal Case: used for legal case letters

    Mail To Address*

    Dropdown menu: Select the demographic party to mail letter

    Send Role ID

    Used to control which users are able to view and select specific letter templates to send to consumers

    Edit Role ID

    Used to control which users are able to edit specific letter templates


    Mark True to activate

    Template File

    Upload the letter template

    Custom Hook

    This field is used for custom development. Leave this field blank.

    Image Displays Letter Profiles Fields

    Letter Vendors Section

    1. Locate Add Vendor

    2. Make the selection from the dropdown, click Add

      1. Open Office (use this if you need to edit your document after it generates) 

      2. PDF (use this if you want to lock your document from being edited) 

      3. Word (use this if you need to edit your document after it generates)

    3. You can add multiple Letter Vendors to a Letter Profile.  Adding multiple Letter Vendors to the Letter Profile will give the user options when generating the document at the account level   


    Anytime changes are made to a letter template in LibreOffice, the template will need to be uploaded again to the associated Letter Profile in order for those changes to be effective in ACE.

    Organize with an ACE Letters Folder

    Enhance your workflow by creating a dedicated ACE Letters folder on your computer. This folder is ideal for storing both the ACE.ods database and your ACE letters. By centralizing these files, you ensure easy access and efficient management. Simply set up the folder in a location of your choice, and maintain a well-organized repository for all your ACE-related documents.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

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