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Payment Source Tracking in ACE is designed to provide insight into how payments and payment plans are initiated, capturing the specific communication channel or interaction that led to a transaction.
By identifying the associated campaign or workflow (email, text, direct, virtual agent, or phone calls), there will be a greater understanding of consumer engagement and payment behavior.
The source of a payment or payment plan in ACE is determined through a multi-step evaluation process, as illustrated in the Payment Source Flowchart. Below is a summary of how ACE assigns the source based on user actions and recent interactions:
1. Direct Payments
Payments made to a “Direct” payment destination with no associated link are assigned the source "Direct," and the Source ID is set to null.
2. Email, Text, or Letter-Initiated Payments
Payments initiated via a link in an email, text, or letter (e.g., QR code) are assigned the respective channel (EMAIL, TXT_MSG, or LETTER).
The associated Log ID is recorded as the Source ID.
3. Virtual Agent Interactions
Payments set up through the Virtual Agent are tracked as "Virtual Agent."
Payments initiated via Create Password Email Login Link or Forgot Password Email Login Link are also recorded as "Virtual Agent," with the Source ID set to null.
4. Phone Call Logs (Inbound/Outbound)
Payments made within 48 hours before or 2 hours after an inbound or outbound phone interaction are assigned the source "Phone Call."
The Source ID is based on phone log data.
5. Recent Communication Checks
If no source is set by direct links, Virtual Agent, or phone interactions, ACE evaluates the most recent communication type (email, text, or letter) within the last 90 days.
The most recent communication type is assigned as the source, and the associated Log ID is recorded as the Source ID.
6. Unknown Source Scenario
If no valid source can be identified through the workflow, ACE sets the source as "UNKNOWN," with the Source ID set to null.
Configuring Profiles for Payment Sources
Profiles for letters, emails, and text messages include a checkbox labeled “Allow As Payment Source.”
Default Behavior: Profiles are set to “Allow As Payment Source” unless their identifier includes “Password,” “Receipt,” or “Sample.”
When Checked: Payments initiated via a letter, email, or text using this profile are marked as originating from that source.
When Unchecked: Profiles are excluded as valid payment sources, even if a consumer accesses a link containing a specific Source ID.
Recalculation of Source ID
If a payment originates from a profile where the checkbox is unchecked, or if new data (e.g., phone logs) is added after the payment plan is created, the system may recalculate the source.
Static vs. Calculated Sources:
If the source is DIRECT or based on a specific link, the source_type remains static as "LINK."
For sources determined through evaluation (e.g., phone logs or recent communication), the source_type is "CALCULATED," allowing for potential recalculations.
Example: If a consumer accesses VA 2.0 via a Payment Receipt email, but the email profile is unchecked for "Allow as payment source," the system ignores the Source ID in the link and recalculates the source.
Payment Source Assignment Workflow
Direct Payments: If no link is associated, the source is set as "Direct," and the Source ID is set to null.
Email, Text, or Letter-Initiated Payments: Payments initiated via communication channels like email, text, or letter are assigned to the respective channel, with the Source ID linked to the log entry.
Virtual Agent Interactions: Payments made through the Virtual Agent or via password email login links are labeled "Virtual Agent," and the Source ID is set to null.
Phone Call Logs: Payments linked to inbound or outbound phone interactions within the specified timeframe are recorded as "Phone Call."
Recent Communications: If no other source applies, ACE assigns the most recent communication type (text, email, or letter) as the source, with the associated Log ID as the Source ID.
Unknown Source Scenario: When no valid source is identified, ACE sets the source as "UNKNOWN," with the Source ID set to null.
Please Note
Source may be revaluated and recorded based on additional criteria please review the payment plan source flow chart for details.
Additional Notes
Scenarios Where No Source is Recorded: In certain scenarios, such as when using the "Bundle Selector" feature, no source is recorded. This behavior is expected to change in future updates.
The Payment Source Flowchart visually depicts the multi-step process ACE uses to determine the source of payments and payment plans. Refer to the flowchart for detailed insights into how each source type is assigned.
Payment Source Flow Chart
Below is the downloadable Payment Source Flow Chart.