Account Bundling
    • 15 Jun 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Account Bundling

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    Article summary

    Account Bundle settings impact the way accounts will Bundle when they are loaded. 


    Primary Account Selection Method

    Whenever a bundle selects an account to become the primary account in the bundle, the method you select here will be used. The primary account is also selected when the primary accounts balance goes to zero or when an account  status is marked as either closed, cancelled, or bankrupt.

    Pending Bundle Threshold

    A weight is entered here for potential bundle matches. These are accounts that won't bundle automatically because they don't meet the 100 points, but might be the same consumer and need to be reviewed. 

    Bundle Tests

    This is where the bundle tests are entered along with the weight for each test. Each time accounts match on a test, the weight is added up. If the account reaches 100, the accounts are automatically bundled. 

    Bundle Propagation

    When an account is added to the bundle the information from the Primary bundle member is pushed down to the new account on the fields that are selected in this section. 

    Bundle Merge

    When bundling a new account, any selected fields in the bundle merge settings that are empty for the primary bundle member will be filled with information from the new bundle member. For example, if the new bundle member has a date of birth (DOB) for the primary account holder, but the primary account doesn't, the DOB will be copied to the primary account. Subsequently, the new data will be copied down to the other members of the account.

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