Client Invoicing Job
    • 07 Sep 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Client Invoicing Job

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    Article summary

    A single job can be initiated to create and export client invoices on behalf of multiple clients who share the same invoice profile. This job generates statements for all clients under that profile. 

    This process only generates the invoices; you will still need to manually verify, process remittances, and handle deliveries until you are confident that everything is accurate and in order.

    Run the “Client Invoicing” Job:

    1. Go to Utilities-Jobs
    2. Locate the Job titled “Client Invoicing” 
    3. From here, you have the option to select the Schedule for the job, which can be run “On-Demand” or scheduled to be run hourly, daily or monthly. 
    4. View the “Tasks” section of the Job to see the details for each Invoice Profile (dates, profile and description)
    5. Modify the start and end dates
    6. Click “apply” to apply changes 
    7. Click on “Run” to begin the job. You will see the loader bar displaying Job progress. 

    Verify, Remit and Deliver:


    Verification step allows you to review the invoice details and reconcile if necessary.

    1. Clients-Invoice-Verification
    2. Review the invoice, when ready select Verify

    Image Displays Verify Button



    In ACE remits can be generated to a printable check file that can be used in conjunction with your check stock to produce checks to send to your clients.

     This step is still necessary, even if you are not producing checks out of ACE.

    •  Select Remit

    Image Displays Remit Button



    The Deliver step can be used to deliver the invoice and the invoice detail file based on the parameters you have identified for the client. 

     Delivery can be:

    • Via mail- the files are available for you to produce and mail
    • Via Email- the files are automatically emailed to the client -configured in Client Profile, Invoice Preferences section
    • Via Client Access User- an email can be sent to notify them a file is available

    Image Displays Deliver Button


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