Managing Payment Destinations
    • 09 Jul 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read
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    Managing Payment Destinations

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    Article summary

    Payment Destinations allow administrators to tailor preferences for various payment providers. In this article, we'll define the different sections and fields within Payment Destinations to help you configure them.

    Adding Payment Destinations

    1. Go to Setup → Transactions → Payment Destinations

    2. Click New or Modify if necessary

    The Sections in the Payment Destinations are:

    • Payment Destination

    • Payment Reminders

    • Payment Receipts

    • Authorization Requests

    • Provider Settings

    • Bin Database

    Payment Destination Section:

    * are required fields




    A unique identifier

    Merchant Service Provider

    Your Payment Vendor

    Payment Gateway*

    Select your Payment Gateway Provider from the dropdown

    Trust Account

    Specify the trust account associated


    Select Clients from the list

    Default Spreader

    Set the default Payment Spreaders for transactions

    Spread Time*

    Determine the time for spreading transactions


    • Immediately

    • On Batch Deposit

    • On Batch Close

    • Manual

    Batch Receiver

    Select the receiver for processing


    • Owner

    • Direct

    • Forward

    • Legal

    Service Fee Bucket*

    Assign a bucket for service fees

    Post Transaction with Date Spread

    Opt for date spread in post transactions

    Invoice Delay Days

    Set the number of days to wait before the spreaded transaction can appear on an invoice

    Intelligent Failure

    When a payment results in NSF, do not fail the payment plan

    Intelligent Reschedule

    When Intelligent Failure is active and an NSF occur without failing the plan, the failed payment is automatically rescheduled to the end of the payment plan

    Do Not Allow Payment Plans Past Credit Card Expiration

    Set restrictions on Payment Plans based on Credit Card Expiration dates

    Receipt Name

    Set the Receipt Name

    Receipt Address

    Specify the Receipt Address

    Last Settlement ID

    When the “Payment System-Exports and Settlements” job runs it will put in the last settlement ID and date

    Last Settlement

    When the “Payment System-Exports and Settlements” job runs it will put in the last settlement ID and date

    Max Payment Amount

    Set the maximum payment amount for payment or payment plans.


    Set to Active by placing a checkmark

    Image Displays Payment Destination Sections and Fields

    Payment Reminders Section:



    Send Payment Reminders

    Enable or Disable Payment Reminders

    of Days Prior

    Set the number of days before sending reminders

    Min # of Days

    Specify the number of days

    Letter Profile

    Choose the letter profile for reminders

    Letter Vendor

    Indicate the vendor for reminder letters

    Email Profile

    Select the email profile for reminders

    Text Message

    Select the text message profile for reminders

    Payment Receipts Fields:



    Send Payment Receipts

    Enable the sending of payment receipts

    Letter Profile

    Choose the letter profile for receipts

    Letter Vendor

    Indicate the vendor for receipt letters

    Email Profile

    Select the email profile for receipts

    Text Message

    Select the text message profile for receipts

    Payment Reminders and Payment Receipts

    When a preferred contact method is set for an account demographic, that method is used for sending Payment Reminders and Payment Receipts. If no preferred contact method is set, the system sends reminders and receipts to the first available method in the following order: Email, Text, Letter.

    Methods that are opted out or explicitly set to not receive contact will be skipped.

    Authorization Request Fields:



    Email Profile

    The email profile to use for authorization requests

    Text Message

    The text message profile to use for authorization requests

    Provider Settings Fields:

    Input the Provider Settings received from your payment provider, this could be username/password or alternate identifiers.

    Bin Database Fields

    See Payment Destinations BIN Database for more information.

    Payment Destination Jobs

    There are default jobs related to payment destination in ACE.

    1. Payment System-Export and Settlement Job

    2. Payment System-Payment Plans*

    To locate the jobs:

    1. Go to Utilities - Jobs

    2. Select the Payment System-Export and Settlement Job

    Job Section: * are required fields

    1. Label*: Payment System-Export and Settlement Job

    2. Description: This job runs two (or more tasks if configured) for Credit Card and ACH processing. Tasks include: Exports- Sends payment data to the payment processor. Settle-Returns and processes settlement data from the payment processor.

    3. Schedule*: On Demand or a set time

    4. Last Run Status: Indicates completed/failure etc.

    5. Message Count: If job fails, indicates the amount of failed messages generated

    6. Last Run: The date and time the job last ran

    7. Notify on Error: Can notify users of errors

    8. Notify on Complete: Can notify users of completion

    9. Notify List: Add Users to receive notification

    10. Run Exclusively: Toggle if you want this job to run independently from other jobs

    11. Rerun on Misfire: Automatically reschedules and retries a scheduled job if it fails to execute at its designated time

    12. Log Task Time: Creates a long entry containing the duration of each task

    13. Active: enable or disable

    14. Add Task: select from dropdown, click add

    Tasks Section

    Displays selected tasks associated with the job

    Two tasks for this job:

    1. Payment System: Exports

      1. Description: Send Transactions to payment provider

      2. Payment Destination*: select the payment destination

      3. Active: enable or disable

    2. Payment System: Settle

      1. Description: Process the settlement reports and generated deposit records

      2. Payment Destination*: select the payment destination

      3. Active: enable or disable

    Image Displays Payment System-Exports and Settlements Job


    If there are multiple payment destinations (e.g., different vendors for credit card and ACH payments), set up two payment destinations.

    Additional tasks can be added to the Payment System-Exports and Settlements Job to accommodate different payment destinations.

    It is important to note that payment plan tasks may also be configured with that same job.

    Alternatively, payment plan tasks may have been configured in Payment-System-Payment Plans job in your ACE application.

    Therefore, it is recommended to review your system jobs and familiarize yourself with the tasks associated with each job configuration.

    Payment Plans Move Job Task

    This task is used to move remaining scheduled payments to a new payment plan under a different payment destination and can be added to an existing job, or a new job can be created.

    Task Fields: *denotes required field




    Moves any remaining scheduled payments to a new payment plan under a different payment destination


    Enable or disable

    From Payment Destination*

    Input previous payment destination

    To Payment Destination*

    Input new payment destination

    Credit Cart Types

    For Credit Card Plans Only, select all cart types to include in the transfer

    Logic Condition

    Only move payment plans which contain accounts that pass the logic (an existing logic block is required)

    Image Displays Payment System: Payment Plans Move Task

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