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Add New Payment Destination
To access the Payment Destination Setup use the top menu bar and navigate to Setup -Transactions - Payment Destinations.
- Click New from the bottom right of the payment destinations list.
- Input Label to name the new payment destination.
- Select Payment Provider that matches the new provider you would like to use.
- Select Trust Account to track transaction amounts.
- Determine Spreader that will be used by default and when payments will be spread across fee buckets.
- Select Batch Receiver or the source of payment.
- Select Service Fee Bucket to determine which bucket will hold the extra charges for using the payment destination.
- Optional: Input name/address or opt-in to customized options.
- Deactivate Payment Destination.
- Input Provider Settings that you received from your new payment destination. This could be username/password or alternate identifiers.
- Click Apply.
Your new payment destination is setup. Next you'll want to test this account before officially activating it.
Test Payment Destination
Access the new payment destination by navigating to Setup - Transactions - Payment Destinations.
- Select the new payment destination.
- Input Sample Client from a list of test clients. This will allow you to test the payment destination on a test account first. Coordinate with customer on which client to test with.
- Activate payment destination.
- Click Save.
Now that the payment destination is activated and set to the test account you can create a transaction on any of the accounts under the test client.
- Navigate to an account under the sample client you entered above. Or create a new account under the sample client.
- Post a transaction on the test account using test data provided by your payment destination vendor.
Once you have a test transaction ready you'll need to setup and run the payment job under Utilities - Jobs.
- Select your Payment System job which should be the job that currently runs your payment exports and settlements.
- Add Payment System: Export Task and set the payment destination to the one you created.
- Add Payment System: Settle Task and set the payment destination to the one you created.
- Deactivate All Other Tasks except for two belonging to the payment destination you created.
- Click Apply.
- Run the Job.
Once the job has finished running you can check the transaction by navigating to Transactions -> Today's Transactions. The test transaction should have a new status that indicates the information was properly sent to the payment destination provider. You'll want to work with your new payment provider to confirm the information was sent and is processed properly on their end.
In addition to the import/export tasks there may also be a Payment Plans task that is in the same or different job.
- Select your Payment Plans job which should be the job that contains the payment plans task.
- Add Payment System: Payment Plans and set the payment destination to the one you created.
- Deactivate All Other Tasks except for the task belonging to the new payment destination.
- Click Apply.
- Run the Job.
Make sure there are no errors when the process runs.
After testing don't forget to re-activate the tasks you previously deactivated
Disable Old Payment Destination
Once you've confirmed that your new payment destination is working properly you'll want to officially switch the payment destinations. Navigate to Setup -> Transactions -> Payment Destinations.
- Select the old Payment Destination.
- Input a sample client into Clients which will limit the payment destination to only process transactions on the sample client.
- Deactivate the setup in order to mark it as a disabled payment destination.
- Click Apply.
- Select the new Payment Destination.
- Remove the sample client.
- Deactivate the setup to make sure the change to clients saves properly.
- Click Apply.
- Select the new Payment Destination.
- Activate the setup.
- Click Apply.
Migrate payment plans on the system to the new payment destination. This should only be done if the customer approves.
To perform this task you'll need to create a new job by going to Utilities - Jobs.
- Create a new Job and name it Payment Plan Migration.
- Schedule set to On Demand to prevent it from running automatically.
- Add Task Payment System: Payment Plans Move from the task dropdown.
- Input Payment Destination from the old payment destination to the new payment destination.
- Click Apply.
- Run Job.
Resolving Issues With Payment Vendors
During first time setup for a new vendor there could be vendor settings that need to be adjusted. This section will identify common setting issues we've experienced with specific vendors.
4Processing ACH
URL: https://gateway.ach-solutions.com/requester/request.aspx
There is a HOLD/HELD status that will be sent back when a transaction reaches specific limits determined by the customer. Our preference is to remove the limits for individual transaction, daily limit and monthly limit. In the event this message does get sent back to our system we'll need to coordinate with the customer and manually input the real status.