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Access and Upload
Consumers can access documents they have permission to view and upload new documents.
Accepted document formats include JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, PDF, TXT, XLSX, XLS, and DOCX, with a size limit of 15MB.
Document File Mask
Document File Mask: Allows consumers to view files matching the entered mask and those marked as "VA Visible" within their account.
A file mask is a pattern used to specify which files can be accessed based on their names and extensions. The format in the image illustrates how to define multiple file types using a pipe (|) to separate different patterns.
For example, the following file mask indicates that files with extensions .JPG, .CSV, .DOC, .TXT, and .txt will be visible to the consumer.
Important Notes:
Case Sensitivity: The Document File Mask is case-sensitive. Filenames must exactly match the specified case in the mask for the files to be visible. For instance, a mask of *.JPG will not match a file named example.jpg.
Access Restriction: If no input is provided, access to all files will be restricted, ensuring that only explicitly defined files are available to users.
Visual Indicators of Document Visibility
Light Green Checkmark: When a document is uploaded to an account in ACE and the VA 2.0 profile's Document File Mask is the reason it is VA Visible to consumers, a light green checkmark will appear in the VA Visible column on the documents page.
Darker Green Checkmark: If the file is VA Visible for reasons other than the Document File Mask, a darker green checkmark will be displayed.
No Checkmark: If the file is not VA Visible, there will be no checkmark in the VA Visible column.
Constructing Document File Masks with AI Tools
AI tools can assist in creating Document File Masks. To generate a Java Regex pattern for your filenames, follow these steps:
Open the AI Tool.
Enter the prompt: "Create a Java Regex pattern that filters filenames starting with BLAH, NEATO, or LETTER."
The AI will respond with a pattern that can be used in ACE, such as: ^(BLAH|NEATO|LETTER).*
Manually Set Document Visibility
You can also manually do it while in an Account, under Documents. You can check the document you want to reveal and go over the right side under “Apply Action” and click either “Virtual Agent Allowed” or “Virtual Agent Disallowed”:
VA 2.0 URL for Consumer Download
The VA URL column on the Account Document page generates a shareable link, allowing agents to provide consumers with direct access to specific documents via text or email.
To add the VA URL column:
Right-click on the column headers.
Select VA URL.
Click Apply.
The document must be marked as “visible” for the VA URL to be generated.