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Sending Emails with Document Links from the Demographic Email Page
These instructions guide users on sending emails with document links from the demographic email page, facilitating direct access to specific documents for consumers in VA 2.0.
Ensure that the document is set to VA visible. Refer to Managing Documents in VA 2.0 for more information.
Customers need to incorporate either ${accountDocuments} or ${customContent} fields into any email profile template intended for sharing documents.
Setting up Email Profile:
Navigate to Setup → Email → Profiles → New.
Choose a category (e.g., Other).
Specify an identifier (e.g., Account Documents).
Enter a subject (e.g., Account Documents).
Click Apply.
Accessing the Template Editor:
Craft your email content.
Include either of the following fields:
Click Save.
Sending the Email:
Open a Consumer Account.
Find the demographic Email Section.
Open the Send Email sub-screen by clicking on the email.
Email Template: Choose the Email Profile created (e.g., Account Documents).
Include Document: Select the document(s) to include.
This action generates links for direct access to specific documents by the consumer.
Click Send.