Authentication methods
    • 24 Mar 2023
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    Authentication methods

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    Article summary

    Authentication methods

    Allows the Virtual Agent Administrator to select a method in which consumers will be authenticated during the login process.


    Standard authentication

    Allows the Virtual Agent Administrator to choose between a combination if two keys and two passphrases to authorize consumer logins.


    • ACE Agency # or Client Account Number - Is the default key for consumer authentication.
    • Phone Number - Is the alternative key for consumer authentication.


    • Zip/Postal Code - Is the default passphrase for consumer authentication.
    • Password - Is the alternative key for consumer authentication. (The password must be supplied to ACE and managed by the host system).


    Advanced authentication

    Allows the Virtual Agent Administrator to choose which credentials the consumer will be allowed and required to enter.


    Credential type

    Lists the ACE supported authentication fields.


    • Account Number
    • Password - A password provided to ACE from the host system.
    • First Name
    • Middle Initial
    • Last Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Street Address
    • Zip Code
    • Phone Number
    • SSN
    • Misc 1 - A custom field provided to ACE from the host system.
    • Misc 2 - A custom field provided to ACE from the host system.
    • Misc 3 - A custom field provided to ACE from the host system.
    • Misc 4 - A custom field provided to ACE from the host system.



    Allows the Virtual Agent Administrator to select which ACE credential type will be displayed to the consumer for authentication.



    Allows the Virtual Agent Administrator to select which ACE credential type is required to be provided from the consumer during authentication.


    Must match

    Allows the Virtual Agent Administrator to select which ACE credential types must match for the consumer to be authenticated.  When selected, the credential MUST match the value on the account, if it exists. An incorrect value will fail the login. If the value does not exist on the account, it will not fail the login directly, but still won’t count as a matched credential.


    Matching minimums

    Allows the Virtual Agent Administrator to select the number of credentials that must match for consumer

    authentication.  Minimum # of matching credentials required (no less than 2)


    Virtual Agent Authentication Screenshots

    Standard Authentication Method


    Advanced Authentication Method


    Was this article helpful?

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence