Intelligent Contacts Dialer Integration Setup
    • 07 Feb 2024
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    Intelligent Contacts Dialer Integration Setup

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    Article summary


    An established relationship with Intelligent Contacts (IC). Intelligent Contacts will support all configurations required in the Intelligent Contacts Application.

    Prerequisite Data From Intelligent Contacts

    Prior to configuring the Intelligent Contacts Dialer Integration in ACE, it's essential to obtain the following details either directly from Intelligent Contacts or through your Intelligent Contacts management interface.

    For security purposes, please refrain from sharing your credentials. You will need to input these credentials into ACE during the configuration process.

    API Access:

    1. API Client ID

    2. API Client Secret

    FTP Credentials:

    1. FTP Username & Password for Phone Log Import

    2. FTP Username & Password for Recordings Import

    Campaign Details:

    1. IC Campaign ID: For click to call, this is the number available in the url when viewing a Intelligent Contacts Campaign with a Campaign type of "Outbound / Manual" - (this will be entered in the ACE agent user profile)

    2. IC Agent ID Username: agent_id from API data in a Team working an "Outbound / Manual" campaign (any agents using click to call) -(this will be entered in the ACE agent user profile)

    Communication Setup:

    1. Intelligent Contacts supports the use of a softphone or WebRTC for integration purposes.

    2. Agents will need to have one of these communication options set up and available from their computer.

    Additional Requirements:

    1. A “Dialer-Intelligent Contacts” package addon in place

      1. Reach out to InterProse Support to request the addon

    Summary of Setup Steps

    1. ACE Support will verify the "Dialer - Intelligent Contacts" package addon is in place

    2. The Intelligent Contacts Dialer Vendor will be enabled & setup (contact support to enable)

    3. Agent users will be configured for click to call

    4. An Action Path will be set up to flag accounts

    5. A Logic Block will be set up to define accounts eligible for Intelligent Contacts campaigns

    6. The Intelligent Contacts export job will be set up

    7. The Intelligent Contacts call import job will be set up

    8. The Intelligent Contacts recording import job will be set up

    Set up Intelligent Contacts in ACE

    1. Go to Setup → Vendors → Dialer, Select New

    Vendor Information Section

    1. Locate the Vendor Information Section

    2. Enter data, fields with an * are required fields:

      1. Label = Intelligent Contacts

      2. Identifier = INTELLIGENT_CONTACTS

      3. Export Flag Identifier = IC

      4. Dialer Provider = Intelligent Contacts

      5. Active = true (checked)

    Image Displays Vendor Information Section

    IC Settings Section

    1. Locate the IC Settings Section

    2. Enter the data provided by Intelligent Contacts as follows:

      1. API Contact Center

      2. API Client ID

      3. API Client Secret

      4. FTP Username - Calls

      5. FTP Password - Calls

      6. FTP Username - Recordings

      7. FTP Password - Recordings

    3. Under the IC Settings section, select "Apply" to save the vendor

    Image Displays IC Settings Section


    After Saving/Applying these new dialer vendor settings, the Intelligent Contacts API Security Keys can be located (and updated if necessary) under Setup → Security Credentials in ACE.

    General Settings Section

    1. Locate the General Settings Section

    2. Enter the data provided by Intelligent Contacts as follows:

      1. API Contact Center

      2. The API Endpoint should be populated as follows.


      3. API Security Key

      4. Allow Click to Call

    Image Displays General Settings Section

    Export Information Section

    1. In the "Export information" section, the customer can make selections as appropriate for their business including

      1. Custom Fields -> adding additional fields that will be included in the campaign file data Intelligent Contacts receives

      2. Export Demographic and Phone Location Types

      3. Whether or not to exclude mobile and unknown phone number types without consent

      4. The Export Folder where the campaign files will be initially stored and can be picked up from to be sent to Intelligent Contacts via SFTP (the folder may need to be created in the File Manager)

    Image Displays Export Information Section

    Import Information Section

    1. In the "Import Information" section, the customer can make selections as appropriate for their business including

      1. The Import Folder where the campaign files will be placed after they are picked up from Intelligent Contacts via SFTP (the folder may need to be created in the File Manager)

      2. The file name mask expected to match the files to be picked up from Intelligent Contacts via SFTP

    Image Displays Import Information Section

    Dialer Codes Section

    1. Under "Dialer Codes" data will need to be populated with each dialer code Intelligent Contacts returns with phone log results. Some may be populated by default.

      1. Each dialer code will have a number (Dialer Code) that is used by Intelligent Contacts. Intelligent Contacts may provide defaults for labeling and understanding each dialer code.

      2. You will need to update each of the corresponding fields; label, skip, phone location, phone result contact, etc. to correspond to the way you want the phone log results/records recorded in ACE.

    Image Displays Dialer Codes Section

    Configure Agent users for Click to Call Capability

    1. Open the user profile for an Agent

    2. Go to the section titled "Intelligent Contacts - Agent Settings"

    3. Enter the IC Agent ID Username & the IC Campaign ID (See the prerequisites at the top of this help file for important details)

    Image Displays Intelligent Contacts-Agent Settings Section

    Set Up an Action Path to Flag Accounts for Campaigns

    1. Go to Setup → Workflow → Action Paths, select New

    2. Right click "Container" and

      1. change the Label of "Container" to "Set Intelligent Contacts Flag"

      2. copy the Label into the Description Field

      3. Save

    3. Right click "Set Intelligent Contacts Flag" and select "New"

    4. Select the drop down next to "Class Name"

      1. left click in the empty search box

      2. type "flag"

      3. select "Flag for Export"

      4. Save

    5. Fill in the Action as shown here and Save

    Image Displays Action Path to Flag Accounts for Campaigns

    Set Up Logic Block to Identify Accounts Eligible for Intelligent Contacts

    One or more logic blocks needs to be set up defining the accounts to be flagged and included in the Intelligent Contacts campaign file through the dialer export job.

    Image Displays Logic Block

    Set Up Intelligent Contacts Dialer Campaign Export Job

    A Intelligent Contacts Export Job will automatically be created after saving the Intelligent Contacts vendor. The campaign export job typically requires three tasks as follows.

    1. A Workflow: Action Path task to set the flag to any eligible accounts (this is optional - new accounts are typically flagged in assignment workflow leaving additional eligible accounts to be flagged here)

    Image Displays Workflow Action Path Task
    1. A "Dialer: Export" task - this task will generate the dialer campaign data file to include any accounts that have the "IC" flag (the flag will be removed when the file is generated)

    Image Displays Dialer: Export Task
    1. A Document: Transfer To task - to send the file to the SFTP for Intelligent Contacts to pick up and load for a campaign

    Image Displays Document: Transfer Task

    Set Up Intelligent Contacts Import Jobs

    Two Intelligent Contacts Import Jobs will need to be set up.

    1. One import job with the job to import call results (phone log results) set up as follows. The second task is looking at the "import information" section to determine how to handle the file after import.

    Image Displays Document: Transfer To Task
    1. A second import job will need to be set up as follows to load recordings associated with the phone log results.

    Image Displays Dialer: Import Call Recordings Task

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