Sending Emails with Document Links from the Demographic Email Page
    • 08 Jan 2025
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Sending Emails with Document Links from the Demographic Email Page

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    Article summary

    These instructions guide users on sending emails with document links from the demographic email page, facilitating direct access to specific documents for consumers in VA 2.0.


    • Ensure that the document is set to VA visible. Refer to Managing Documents in VA 2.0 for more information.

    • Customers need to incorporate either ${accountDocuments} or ${customContent} fields into any email profile template intended for sharing documents.

    Setting up Email Profile:

    1. Navigate to Setup → Email → Profiles → New.

    2. Choose a category (e.g., Other).

    3. Specify an identifier (e.g., Account Documents).

    4. Enter a subject (e.g., Account Documents).

    5. Click Apply.

    Image Displays Email Profile Section

    Accessing the Template Editor:

    1. Craft your email content.

    2. Include either of the following fields:

      1. ${accountDocuments}

      2. ${customContent}

    3. Click Save.

    Image Displays Step 2a Listed Above

    Sending the Email:

    1. Open a Consumer Account.

    2. Find the demographic Email Section.

    3. Open the Send Email sub-screen by clicking on the email.

    4. Email Template: Choose the Email Profile created (e.g., Account Documents).

    5. Include Document: Select the document(s) to include.

      1. This action generates links for direct access to specific documents by the consumer.

    6. Click Send.

    Image Displays Send Email Sub-Screen

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