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Virtual Agent Editor
The Virtual Agent Editor (VAE) is a graphical interface for constructing nodes to: gathering data, making decisions, mathematical calculations, execute java script, and process on line payments.
Creating a decision process
To create a decision process you should already have in mind and perhaps even flow charted the process you want to create in Virtual Agent. This example will create several types of nodes and link them together from the “top down”. To begin login to ACE, click on the Preference tab, then click on Virtual Agent Setup in the “What do you want to do?” box. If this link is not visible contact InterProse support for assistance.
Creating a new node
To create a new node by clicking on Add Node in the Virtual Agent box.
Assign the node a descriptive label, choose the node type, and click on Save.
There are numerous node types that you can create:
* Bankruptcy
* Dispute
* Documents
* Email
* End
* Eval
* Exec
* Form
* Math
* Options
* Payment Plan
* Property Set
* Submit
* Question
* Start
* Storage
* Summary
* Variable_Set
* Logoff
* Payment_History
* Miranda
Labels and other options and settings related to the nodes can be found in: Virtual Agent> Preferences
Most text area fields can use html markup such as <b> </b> to bold something. This is particularly helpful in the Question Node to help further emphasize the choices.
Most nodes will have either a "Next Node," or "True/False," drop-downs. These will determine where in the flow the next screen will be. As soon as you select the next node/true/false drop-downs and click save, you will notice the flow-chart lines in the screen above will lead to/from.
On the nodes with various options, buttons, etc. they each can lead to a different node; you will want to click save on each individual option and then once complete click the save button for the main node. Please review screenshots for options.
Eval and Exec nodes are primarily used for JavaScript coding. Eval is comparing fields and Exec is to execute lines of code.
Each virtual agent will need at least the Start and Logoff and/ or End Nodes. Start Node starts the flow and Logoff or End will stop. Logoff allows for an additional text message to be displayed.
If your audio file stops working: you will want to click the Register Voices button. This may need to be clicked several times.