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This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an email vendor in ACE.
In ACE, you have the option to set up both outbound and inbound emails. For Two-Way Email functionality, please contact sales@interprose.com.
Configure the Email Vendor
Go to Setup → Email → Vendor
Fill in the following sections.
Vendor Information Section
Send Via AWS (preferred method, see Configuring Outbound Email Settings for details.)
Enable Rainmaker
Outbound - SMTP Settings Section (Alternative Method)
This section appears if you are not using Send via AWS for outbound email. While SMTP is a standard protocol for sending email messages between servers, Send via AWS is the preferred and recommended method for configuring outbound emails.
Refer to Outbound - SMTP Settings for details.
Inbound Settings Section
This section is used to set up how incoming emails are handled. Inbound Settings allow ACE to retrieve emails from a mail server using the POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) standard.
From the dropdown menu, choose the appropriate Inbound Retrieval type based on your email provider:
For Microsoft 365 users, select "MICROSOFT_365."
For other email clients like Gmail or Yahoo, select "POP3."
(A) Microsoft 365
POP3 Username: Fill in the username required for Outlook setup.
Register: Click this button to be redirected to Microsoft 365 and authorize ACE.
Note: Ensure you are logged out of all Microsoft accounts before proceeding. Log into the specific account from which you want to send emails (e.g., support@yourcompanyname.com vs. first.last@yourcompanyname.com).
Access Token: After successfully registering and accepting application permissions, the Access Token field will automatically populate with the access token.
(B) POP3 Retrieval Type (Other Email Clients)
POP3 Host: Enter the address of your mail server.
POP3 Port: Specify the server port for POP3 communication. Usually 995 for SSL/TLS encrypted.
POP3 Username: Provide the username for your POP3 account.
POP3 Password: Enter the password associated with your POP3 account.
From Settings Section
This section allows you to specify default settings for outgoing emails.
Default Email From Name: (Visible only when using "Send via AWS") Enter the name that will appear as the sender.
Default Email From: (Visible only when using "Send via AWS") Enter the email address that will appear as the sender.
Email Upload User: Specify the ACE user who will receive a notification via email when a file is uploaded.
Max Attachment Size (MB): Set the maximum size for email attachments.
Send Emails Between 8 am and 9 pm Only: Restrict email sending to these hours.
Max Invitations: Set the maximum number of email invitations that can be sent.
Email Supervisors Section
Use Round Robin priority?
Alert Delay in minutes
Email Test Section
Test Email Address (test button)
Vendor Email Templates Section
There are a subset of default email profiles that you can access. You have two options for creating new templates:
Here: Create new templates directly in the Vendor Email Templates section.
Setup → Email → Profiles: Alternatively, you can create new templates in the Setup → Email → Profiles section and then select the respective "vendor" in the Email Vendor ID field for association.
Inbound Email Job
Create the following job to receive inbound emails in ACE:
Label: Pop Email
Schedule: Recommend 15 minutes
Tasks: “Email: Pops email from remote server”
Description: Removes and stores email from a remote server
Active: True
Email Vendor: Select email vendor
Inbound Email Trigger
The onEmailInbound trigger is initiated after email is received:
When a job with the “Email: Pops email from remote server” job task runs.
Or, after the job is run and an unlinked email is linked to an account in the Email Manager.
Refer to Available Triggers in ACE and When They Initiate for additional email triggers.
For multiple domains, configure different email vendors.