Release Notes 08/18/2024
    • 19 Aug 2024
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    Release Notes 08/18/2024

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    Article summary


    You can expect up to 30 minutes of downtime to deploy this release.

    In This Issue

    • STFP Users

    • Logic Block Usage

    • Email Dates

    • Email Parameters

    • Email Username

    • Letters Sent Via ELS

    • New ELS Return Triggers

    • Inbound Text Trigger

    • Rainmaker (AI) Conditions

    • CR Optimization

    • Alert Sounds

    • Job Task Report Links

    • Account Toggle

    • Phone Priority Update

    • Form Field Columns

    • VA 2.0 Document Visibility

    • VA 2.0 Duplicate Payments

    • VA 2.0 Payment Tracking

    • VA 2.0 Skips and Delays

    SFTP Users

    We are now introducing SFTP user management in ACE!

    From now on when you need to provide your clients, users and vendors with access to an ACE SFTP to share data, files and reports, you are able to configure and provide individual SFTP access at a user level.

    Please refer to the article to learn more about how you can set up and use this great new feature: ACE SFTP User Management.

    Security Credentials

    We have updated Security Credentials as follows.

    When generating SSH & PGP Key pairs in ACE, the admin user is now able to download the Private Key for use when connecting with a host.

    Some SFTP hosts will now provide you with a required password for SSH Key Pairs (in addition to the Passphrase that may be optional). When setting up SSH Security Credentials in ACE, there is now an option to store a host required password.

    For additional details about setting up security credentials, please see this article: Creating and Managing SSH.

    Image Displays Example SSH Security Credentials 

    Logic Block Usage

    There are now tools available to locate where a logic block is used. We have also added the ability to identify and quickly delete logic blocks that are not in use.

    For additional details, see the article: Tracking Logic Block Usages.

    Image Displays Finding Logic Block Usages

    Email Delivery and Sent Dates

    The email Delivery Date or Sent Date are now visible when viewing the following email page views.

    Account email logs

    Image Displays Sent Date in Email Logs

    Email Manager detail

    Image Displays Delivery Date in the Email Manager 

    The email queue (via alerts)

    Image Displays Delivery Date in Email Queue

    Email Parameters

    After ELS tracked links are used (clicked/selected) in relationship to an email, the clicked_link and clicked_link_date will be populated and available in the email log columns. For more about tracking, see this article about ELS Tracking.

    These include values related to opening an email, etc. and they can be queried in the SQL Designer. In addition to the two above, there is a field of clicked_link_parameters that is not in the email log columns, but will also be included in the SQL Designer.

    Email Username

    If a user sends an email from an account's email log or demographic email page, the debt note will now show their username instead of “job.”

    Letters Sent Via ELS

    There is a new column on the Letter View Log page that shows if a letter has been sent via ELS.

    Image Displays Sent By ELS in the Letter View Log 

    New ELS Return Triggers

    There are two new ELS Triggers:

    • onAfterElsReturn: is initiated if an ELS letter sent via email receives a bounce, complaint or rejection

    • onAfterElsValidationNoticeReturn: is initiated if an Validation Notice ELS letter sent via email receives a bounce, complaint or rejection (onAfterElsReturn will also be initiated at the same time)

    Inbound Text Trigger

    There is a new onAfterTextInbound trigger. This trigger is initiated in one of two ways:

    • When an inbound text message is received from a previously linked phone number

    • When an inbound text message's associated phone number is linked to an account

    Rainmaker (AI) Conditions

    There is a new conditional flow action available called “Rainmaker Condition”

    • This flow action takes a yes/no (true/false) prompt that Rainmaker uses to evaluate

      • an inbound email (onEmailInbound trigger)

      • an inbound text message (onAfterTextInbound trigger)

    • If the the AI (Rainmaker) understands the intent of the inbound email or text message matches the prompt, it will initiate additional flow actions

    • At this time, Rainmaker is evaluating the text received and is not evaluating images or files

    An AI prompting webinar and/or more prompting documentation is in the planning stages at this time. Be on the lookout for further details.

    Please note:

    Prior to using Rainmaker Conditions in a production environment, Rainmaker prompts should be thoroughly tested with a variety of inbound text and email messages to ensure the AI is evaluating messages as expected.

    One way to test and evaluate prompts before building extensive workflow might be to simply flag accounts where the Rainmaker prompts are initiating workflow.

    One use case examples for using this feature: After running a text message campaign, you might receive an inbound text response like, "this isn't me," or "you have the wrong phone number."

    • With a Rainmaker prompt of "Are they saying they are the wrong person?" evaluating the inbound message as true for the prompt, additional flow actions might include:

      • A response apologizing for the inconvenience

      • The removal of the account from the call campaign

      • The phone number status being updated

      • Moving the account into a follow up worklist

    Image Displays Example Rainmaker Conditional Flow Action

    If the "Manager Action" Boolean is true, from the Email Manager or the Text Message Manager, the true or false side of the flow action can be manually initiated by selecting the labeled Rainmaker Condition stored in the action path.

    Image Displays Selecting the Labeled Rainmaker Condition Stored in the Action Path

    There are also two additional new flow actions available as follows:

    • SetTxtMsgLogStatus which can be used when the onAfterTextInbound trigger is initiated

    • SetEmailQueueStatus which can be used when the onEmailInbound trigger is initiated

    Image displays flow actions for setting the text message log status based on the "Rainmaker Condition = Cannot pay" in the onAfterTextInbound trigger.

    Credit Reporting Optimization

    The credit reporting job task has been optimized to deliver improved performance.

    Individual results may vary due to differences in data, hardware and configuration, but in test scenarios we saw 30-60% faster file generation.

    Alert Sounds

    There is now an audible alert when an alert notification is received (in the blue utility bar) or when a user logs in for pending alerts. For more details about alerts, review this article: Alerts, Pills and Important Notes.

    Job Task Report Links

    There is now a link to view reports associated with the following job tasks.

    • Report Runner: User

    • Report Runner: Client

    Image Displays Job Task Report Link

    Please note:

    if a report query or configuration being used in the job task is not available to be viewed directly, a message will be presented indicating it is an "Invalid Link." This is true for some of the ACE core reports that are not directly available in SQL Designer or Inventory Designer.

    Account Toggle

    The ACE account and transaction toggle feature now includes the ability to quickly jump to an account's document page. Please select this article to view additional details:  account and transaction toggle.

    Please Note:

    • The selected page will now remain selected until the user uses the toggle again during their user session.

    • It is now necessary to click twice between toggle page options.

    Phone Priority Update

    A demographic phone number with a "Verified" status added or updated to an account where there are no other "Verified" phone numbers will now be set to priority 1 on the account. If there are other "Verified" phone numbers, it will be prioritized immediately following them.

    Other existing demographic phone prioritization will remain as is and existing priority will not be changed with this update.

    Form Field Columns

    The Form Fields list has two new columns available for display.

    • Visibility Role (the Role label)

    • Visibility Role ID

    Image Displays Form Field Columns

    VA 2.0 Document Visibility

    There is a new trigger that can be used to apply flow actions when an account document is set as VA Visible to the consumer. The trigger is onAfterAccountDocumentVaVisible. Please see the variable here below that can be used in email messages to share a link to the document that is in context when this trigger is initiated.

    There is also a new field variable available that can be used to provide the consumer with a link in a received email to open a document that is uploaded to their account in ACE. The variable is ${document.vaUrl}.

    VA 2.0 Duplicate Payments

    In VA 2.0 if a consumer is attempting to make a second payment on the same date for the same amount, the consumer will now receive an error message informing them that the amount has already been accepted.

    VA 2.0 Payment Tracking

    When a QR code is used from an ACE local print letter, the Source field will store “LETTER” and the Source ID field will store the unique account Letter ID.

    The Source field and the Source ID field will be used to store those details in the virtual_agent_session table/view.

    Also, if a payment or payment_plan are set up during the same session, those fields will be stored in the the payment_plan table/view.

    Please note:

    when a consumer logs in with the QR Code and does not complete the log in authentication (in this example, with DOB), the VA session record will still be created.

    VA 2.0 Payment Skips and Delays

    The ability to skip or delay payments in a VA 2.0 payment plan has been altered to be more restrictive.

    Previously, a consumer could schedule a payment plan, skip a payment, delay a payment and cancel the plan. Afterward it was possible to schedule another payment plan and again skip or delay payments in a way that allowed them to bypass the existing restrictions associated with skipping and delaying a payment in a plan.

    To prevent consumers from exploiting their payment options, payment plan records will now be associated with a VA 2.0 person record instead of the individual payment plan record.

    For more details please refer to the article: Understanding Skip and Delay Payment Options in VA.

    Image Displays RIP Bugs for Fix

    Fixed These:

    • Querying the document_log table in the SQL Designer was resulting in a permission denied error. That table can now be successfully queried in the SQL Designer.

    • Previously, selecting an action path from the drop down menu was not correctly working to set a worklist for an account. It is now.

    • The configured VA 2.0 profile logo was being replaced with the default logo when a consumer logged out of VA 2.0. That has been fixed.

    • Customers were able to post client receivables in excess of the amount owed. This is no longer possible. If attempted, an error will be displayed.

    • When previewing an email selected from a bundle member, details related to the primary account were being displayed instead of details related to the bundle member. That has been fixed.

    • Custom JavaScript used to return matching accounts was only returning the first 15. Now, when there are more than 15, they will all be represented.

    • When an ELS validation notice email bounced, the Validation Notice Returned Date was not being set. It is now.

    • Text messages scheduled from a bundle member instead of the primary account were not being sent. They are now.

    • Sometimes correct payment options were not showing up in VA 2.0. The problem was related to client codes that included a string of characters that matched other client codes. That has been fixed.

    • The Apple Domain ID was not previously updateable. Now it is.

    • If an account’s matching bundle group logic changed after a bundle group letter was scheduled, the exported letter was not respecting the bundle group. That has been fixed.

    • After a recent release, dispute “miscellaneous” labels were no longer available to view or alter under Setup → Accounts → Labels. That has been fixed.

    • A change was made so that the Dialer: LiveVox Import Phone Logs task will run subsequent batches to ensure all logs are successfully received even if the job is not scheduled to run and complete within a 24 hour period.

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    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence