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How are release notes or patches deployed?
How are release notes or patches deployed?
Maintenance Settings define the preferred method for InterProse to deploy new releases or patches to your portal.
Go to Setup → System
Locate the Maintenance Settings Section
Field Description
Method:* Choose:
On Schedule: Automates updates.
On Demand: Allows manual initiation of updates.
Scheduled Day: We recommend selecting Sunday for scheduled updates.
Scheduled Time: We recommend setting the update time to 7:00 PM for optimal deployment.
Scheduled Deploys/Restarts:
Scheduled deploys or restarts are typically scheduled for Sundays, depending on your package. These deployments include new features and bug fixes.
Emergency Deploys/Restarts:
Emergency deploys or restarts can occur at any time, day or night, and may take longer than normal to complete. These deployments are reserved for major bug fixes.
NoteWhile ACE deployments or restarts are not daily occurrences, we reserve the right to deploy or restart the system at any time, 24/7, without prior notice.