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Statute of Limitation (SOL) Account Type Configuration
This document guides users through the configuration process for managing statute of limitations (SOL) rules in ACE, focusing on both debt types and state levels.
SOL Account Types:
SOL Account Types allow for the configuration of different statute of limitations (SOL) rules based on account types, e.g. 5 years for medical and 7 for all other.
Account Types consist of an identifier and a label. Once created the account type needs to assigned in two locations, within the SOL rule you want to apply only to this account type, and the accounts you want affected by the SOL rule. You can also apply the account type at the client level instead of the account level (the SOL client type specification will affect all accounts under the client, but if an account level type is also set it will override the client level specification).
Configuration Process:
Navigate to Setup → States → SOL Account Types.
Label field: Medical Debt
Copy and paste the label value into the Identifier Field.
Click Save.
Repeat for each collection type that has a unique rule.
SOL in the States Section:
This section within the States setup enables the definition of statute of limitations rules for specific states. Refer to State Specific Rules for more information.
Configuration Process:
Navigate to Setup → States → States.
Locate the Statute Of Limitations Section:
(Optional) select the Account Type from the dropdown. Otherwise leave this field blank.
Select the account value that statute of limitations needs to calculate against (e.g. assigned date).
Enter the length of the statute of limitations in years.
Check the box(es) if a payment resets the statute of limitations. Refer to the tool tips to understand what each option does.
Click Save.
If needed, repeat for other collection types (or create a default and leave the Account Type blank).